StFX Advancement is dedicated to promoting and sustaining the university’s short and long-term future. University Advancement builds and maintains relationships with alumni and friends of StFX and many other stakeholders, ensuring student and academic needs are continually strengthened and StFX continues to be the premier undergraduate experience and education in Canada. The department’s three main offices include Alumni Affairs, Development and Records Management, and Marketing and Communications.
Alumni Affairs, responsible for:
- Maintaining X connections following graduation
- Overseeing the AlumniNews magazine
- Coordinating Homecoming, Chapter Events, President’s Receptions, liaising with local StFX chapters across the world, Student Alumni Recognition Awards, Alumni Awards of Excellence program, and induction of candidates to the Hall of Honour
- Supporting the student alumni association
Development, responsible for:
- Fundraising and private funding
- President’s Gala Dinner and other alumni and fundraising events including StFX National Dinners
- Lead capital campaigns to enrich StFX University and meet the needs of students and faculty for generations ahead
Communications and Marketing, responsible for:
- Media and public relations
- Creative and marketing services for the entire StFX community (includes web production and management, publications, video and photography services, social media, and advertising functions)
- Communications channel development
- Crisis communications
Records, responsible for:
- Maintaining a comprehensive database of alumni, friends and supporters
- Locating “lost” alumni
- Playing a significant role in capital campaign fundraising and alumni event planning, as well as the general daily function of the Development Office/Annual Giving program