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Everyone counts at StFX! 

We cannot be a leader in education and student experience without a workforce that is representative of the modern world. We know a diverse environment fosters critical thinking and leads to better teachers, researchers, learners and service providers. 

Our employee census helps us understand the demographic makeup of faculty and staff. The data collected in the survey is used to identify challenges and make informed decisions about how to make StFX a safer and more welcoming place to work, live and study. 

2022 StFX Employee Census Report

2019 StFX Employee Census Report

About the StFX Employee Census 

Conducted every 3 years, the StFX Employee Survey asks faculty and staff to identify whether they belong to one or more historically underrepresented group(s). The information collected is necessary to help us fully understand our own workplace demographics to guide the development of initiatives that best meet the needs of Xaverians. 

Who are the historically underrepresented groups?

StFX will gather data on members of the four designated groups under the Employment Equity Act: women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and minoritized individuals. The census will also measure the participation of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in our workforce as members of this community continue to experience harm caused by systemic discrimination and oppression. 

What is employment equity?

Employment equity seeks to ensure all job applicants and employees have a fair chance in the workplace. It is achieved when no person is denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to their abilities. Employment equity, as designated by the federal government, seeks to eliminate barriers for certain groups particularly; Aboriginal/Indigenous people, members of racially visible groups, persons with disabilities and women. 

Employment Equity strives for: 

  • A workforce that reflects the diversity of the available labour force (ie: is representative of NS). 

  • Employment systems, policies and practices that support the workforce as a whole and support the recruitment, hiring retention and promotion of designated group members. 

  • Employment systems that ensure all present and future employees have a fair and equitable opportunity to develop their abilities, realize their expectations and make the best contribution possible to the workplace. 

Equity requires planning for managing change and increasing diversity. The employee census is one step in the process. The goal is a representative workforce where systems, policies and practices ensure that all employees have an equitable opportunity to develop their abilities, realize their expectations and make the best contribution possible in the workplace. 

Why is employment equity necessary? 

The groups identified above experience higher unemployment rates, lower-than-average salaries, and concentration in low-status jobs. Employment equity measures remove systemic barriers that may prevent members of the groups noted from full participation in the workplace. 

Why does StFX conduct this census? 

Our values include providing a working and learning environment that encompasses people from diverse communities, and we are taking every opportunity to become more inclusive and equitable and accessible. 

What is done with the information provided in the census? 

StFX has long been an organization that both serves, and comprises, multiple and diverse communities. Our values include creating a welcoming environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. 

To support these values, StFX will produce reports based on the total number of responses within designated groups, review our workforce profile and set short- and long-term goals that promote a fair an inclusive workplace. 

When we develop these reports and goals, individual responses to the census are combined and reported in total percentages or aggregates (summaries) and are never reported on an individual participant basis.