Joseph Khoury


Joseph Khoury

Campus Location
Nicholson Tower Rm 410
(902) 867-2470

Dr. Joseph Khoury received his BA in Political Science, with a concentration in Political Philosophy, and his PhD in Comparative Literary Studies. He has varied literary and philosophical interests, and specializes in Machiavelli, Marlowe, Shakespeare, English Prose Fiction, and the contemporary Arabic novel. Professor Khoury continues his interests in political philosophy, is working on several articles with a focus on Shakespeare, and writing a book on Machiavelli and his influence on Marlowe and Shakespeare. He is the Series Editor of the Tudor and Stuart Texts Series at the Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies ( He regularly teaches English 100, varied courses on Shakespeare, and English 240 (Literature of the Middle East). He is actively involved in the Humanities Colloquium Program. Professor Khoury also has interest in Shakespeare and the Bible.


Machiavelli; Marlowe; Shakespeare; Political Philosophy; Arabic Novel; Literary Theory; and Comparative Literature

I am a comparatist, so my interests are varied, as are my areas of research. Still, my strongest interests remain those with which I fell in love in my earliest days of study. I wrote my dissertation on Machiavelli, Marlowe, and Shakespeare, and I still work on these giants. My BA was in Political Science, with a concentration in Political Philosophy. I have never given up this seductive discipline.

I also specialize in Literary Theory, Theories of Influence and, of course, Comparative Literature. As a person of Lebanese descent, I have also taken the time to get to know the novel in Arabic.

I am working on several articles with a focus on Shakespeare. I am also writing a book on Machiavelli and his influence on Marlowe and Shakespeare. I am the Series Editor of the Tudor and Stuart Texts Series: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies | Tudor and Stuart Texts (

My critical edition of The Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria (1592) by Barnabe Riche (a romance the Bard used as a source for Measure for Measure) is available here: Barnabe Riche, The Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria | Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (



Barnabe Riche, The Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria (1592). An edited critical edition with introduction and notes. Barnabe Riche Society at the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto. Toronto:  Centre for Reformation and Studies, 2014. 383. pp.

Journal Articles And Book Chapters:

“Machiavelli’s Prince: The Speculum Principis Genre Turned Upside Down.” Literary Form, Philosophical Content: Historical Studies of Philosophical Genres. Eds. Jonathan Allen Lavery and Louis Groarke. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2010. 126-141. 

"Machiavelli Manufacturing Memory: Terrorizing History, Historicizing Terror." Ars Reminiscendi: Mind and Memory in Renaissance Culture. Eds. Donald Beecher and Grant Williams. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009. 247-266.

"Marlowe’s Tamburlaine: Idealized Machiavellian Prince." Seeking Real Truths. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Machiavelli. Eds. Patricia Vilches and Gerald Seaman. Brill, 2007. 329-356.

“The Tempest Re-Visited in Martinique: Aimé Césaire’s Shakespeare.” “Postcolonial Revisions.” Special Issue: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies. 6.2: (2006). 22-37.

“Writing and Lying: William Thomas and the Politics of Translation.” Travel and Translation in the Early Modern Period. Ed. Carmine Di Biase. New York and Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 91-102.

“The Distinction of a Lebanese Identity: The Case of Elias Khoury.” The Mediterranean Reconsidered: Representations, Emergences, Recompositions. Eds. Mauro Peressini and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa. The Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury Series 79: Ottawa, 2005. 205-217.

“A Conspiracy of Resistance: The Bachelor’s Banquet as a Woman’s Counter-Discourse.” Critical Approaches to English Prose Fiction: 1520-1640. Ed. Donald Beecher. Dovehouse Editions: Ottawa, 1998. 327-340.

Theses Supervised: 

Thorne, Lindsay, “Adoption and Adaption in Literature: Seneca to Kyd to Shakespeare,” Advanced Major 2010.

Parker, Amanda (Mandy), “The Transformation of Tragedy from Seneca to Kyd to Shakespeare,” Advanced Major 2009.

Stephens, Emily, “The Mechanics of Machiavellians, Machevils, and other Murderous Misters: The Impact of Machiavellian Political Theory on Elizabethan Drama,” Advanced Major 2009.

Thomas Jardine, "Is Forgiveness Possible: An Analysis of King Lear,” Honours 2007.