Martin Sastri

Headshot of Martin Sastri

Martin Sastri

Campus Location
Immaculata Rm 414
(902) 867-5225

Martin Sastri is a doctoral candidate in Medieval Studies at the University of Notre Dame. While his current project concentrates on twelfth-century Platonism, he is -more broadly- interested in all manifestations of Platonism from antiquity to the present. His published work has focused on Plotinus, St. Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius, and John Scottus Eriugena. He has presented papers at Brown University, the University of Virginia, the University of British Columbia, as well as at the International Congress for Medieval Studies. Having previously taught at Notre Dame and King's College, Prof. Sastri came to St. FX in 2014, and has taught courses in Catholic mysticism, eschatology and Christology. His hobbies include translating Latin poetry and Muay Thai.