Your story is your own to share. It is up to you if, how and when you choose to share your story. We believe you. We respect confidentiality and privacy. You make the choice to disclose and/or report.
If you have been subjected to sexualized violence, it is not your fault.
Visible@X and the office of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advocate are here for you. We can help connect you to services and resources, explain disclosure and reporting options and support you as you decide your next steps.
Where to start? Everyone deals with violence and trauma differently. There are no "right" or "wrong" paths to healing. It's OK to feel like you don't know what to do next. We are here to listen and support you.
Acknowledge what happened – We can be really good at telling ourselves that what happened was "normal" or "not that bad" or that we will just "get over it," often convincing ourselves that we are to blame. Sometimes the most important first step is being honest and compassionate with yourself about what happened.
Share with someone you trust – This can be hard; not everyone reacts supportively. But going through this alone can be even harder. Share with someone who knows you well and that you trust like a close friend, coach, co-worker, instructor or community advisor. You don't need to tell them everything, but it can help to tell them how to support you.
Seek medical attention – If you have recently been sexually assaulted it is important to have your medical needs addressed. Even if there are no obvious signs of injury. The SVPRA can help connect you to health care services available on campus and in the community.
Access supports – Connect with Heather Blackburn, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response advocate at StFX. Her role is to listen, support and help you make informed decisions on next steps, if and when you are ready.
The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advocate is your resource on campus for disclosing sexual violence. The SVPRA meets with students virtually, in person (following necessary masking and social distancing requirements), on the phone, or through email to provide information, connection and support. When working with the SVPRA you can expect respectful, understanding and non-judgemental responses. You will not be required or pushed to share details or information you are not comfortable with.
The SVPRA can help with:
Understanding your options
Safety planning
Immediate measures/accommodations
Information about and referrals to support services available on and off campus
Academic support/accommodation
Ongoing support & advocacy
reporting on and off campus
For more information on the services and supports available to you, please visit our supports & resources page.
306B Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5