

Students can register with our Centre by providing appropriate documentation supporting a diagnosis of a permanent disability. The deadline to register, have documentation approved and have intake completed for the Fall Term is Friday, November 22, 2024 and for the Winter Term, the date is Friday, March 21, 2025.

Students who want to put academic accommodations in place at StFX must provide the Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning with relevant documentation stating a diagnosis of a permanent disability - we do not accept an IEP/IPP as proof of disability.  Only a regulated health professional can prepare documentation. Please see the list below specifying which health practitioners are eligible to prepare reports. 

The following list outlines the documentation necessary to access services from the Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning: 

  • Learning Disability: Psychoeducational assessment or neuropsychological assessment conducted by a registered psychologist or speech and language pathologist. 
  • ADHD/ADD: A psychoeducational assessment or a comparable comprehensive assessment consisting of formal and informal measures including observations, interviews, standardized assessment results and differential diagnosis.  Must include a detailed list of recommendations for support. We do not accept doctors’ notes/letters as a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD.
  • Psychiatric Disability: Report of a psychological assessment conducted by a registered psychologist or a psychiatrist's consultation report. A permanent diagnosis should refer to the DSM IV or DSM V and the report should include a detailed list of accommodations that will be supportive in the academic setting. This report must be authoritative, comprehensive and current. We do not accept doctors’ notes/letters as a diagnosis for mental health-related disabilities.
  • Hearing Impairment: Audiology Assessment 
  • Visual Impairment: Functional Visual Assessment 
  • Mobility Impairment: Physician or specialist report
  • Medical Condition: Physician or specialist report
  • Asperger Syndrome (AS): Report prepared by a psychologist or specialist 

The Documentation Provided Should Meet These Requirements: 

  • Be current, dated within the last 5 years for students with learning disabilities and within the last year for students with medical disabilities, and updated periodically, particularly for students with chronic medical conditions. 
  • Clearly describe the disability or condition and indicate that the diagnosis is permanent. 
  • Make available the results of individual testing batteries or a summary of results where possible, or permission to disclose those results. 
  • Most importantly, documentation should include detailed recommendations for accommodations that will enhance learning in the academic setting and those recommendations should be appropriate for a condition's manifestation. 

Documentation Required to Access Support Funds: Should you want to access support funding through the Canada Student Loan system, you will need to complete and submit a Disability Verification Form to the student aid department in your home province. Each province uses a unique form.  Please click here for further information: Online Resources.


Accessible Learning

108 Angus L. Macdonald Library
3080 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5