Antigonish, and the surrounding area, is the vibrant home to a variety of faith communities. They offer an array of services, worship, events, faith outreach services and a tremendous sense of community.
Below is a list of faith groups, service times (where available), and contact information. While Chaplaincy does its best to keep abreast of different communities or events, please make contact with the appropriate community for the most up to date information.
Antigonish Baptist Church (map)
- 11:00am Sunday and Bible Study 7:00pm on Tuesday
- Contact: (902) 863-5440
Antigonish Quaker Worship Group
- Meets every 2nd Sunday
- For information about time and place, contact: Sara avMaat (902) 863-0898 and Nancy Turniawan (902) 318-9812
Brahma Kumaris
- World Meditation for Peace: 6:30pm-7:30pm, 3rd Sunday of every month at Alaya Meditiation Space
- Contact: Debbie Castle – @email
- For inquiries about local communities contact: Adéla Sandness – @email
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (map)
- 10:00am Sunday, transportation is available to New Glasgow
- Contact: (902) 752-0763 or (902) 754-5451
Full Gospel Assembly (Pentecostal) (map)
- 10:30am Sundays
Hindu Temple (map)
- Contact: Darshana Sridharan – @email, (902) 867-7792
- For inquiries about local communities contact: Michael Steinitz – @email
- Atlantic Chapter of Hillel - Instagram and Facebook
Seventh-day Adventist (map)
- Saturday: Fellowship Meal 1:30pm, Sabbath School 2:30pm, Worship Service 3:30pm; Thursday: Bible Study 6:00pm-7:30pm
- Contact: Pastor Dave Hamilton – @email, (902) 759-0008; Elder Leif Koester: @email, (902) 754-5538;
- StFX contact: Marcia English – @email
Soka Gakkai (Canada) International
- Meets every 3 weeks
- Contact : Louise and Matt Meyer – @email, (902) 735-2025
St. James United Church (map)
- 10:30am Sunday
St. Ninian Cathedral (Roman Catholic) (map)
- Mass 9:00am daily; Saturday 4:00pm; Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am
- Reconciliation 3:15pm-3:45pm Saturday
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10:00am-3:00pm Friday
St. Paul the Apostle (Anglican) (map)
- 11:00am Sunday
306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5