Wendy Panagopoulos

Wendy Panagopoulos head shot

Wendy Panagopoulos

Nurse Educator
Campus Location
Camden Rm 252
(902) 867-3391

Wendy Panagopoulos has been a Nurse Educator with the Rankin School of Nursing for 19 years. As a lifelong learner, Wendy earned a Master of Education degree with a focus on curriculum in the health sciences in 2017. Wendy’s clinical work with students is in Mental Health and Addiction, teaching communication labs, and providing clinical supervision for the Transition to Nursing Practice course in the student’s final year of study. Wendy also is a coordinator for the Cooperative Learning Experience Program, that works with the Nova Scotia Nursing Strategy to provide summer employment to students across Nova Scotia before their final year of nursing education. For several years Wendy was a certified nonviolent crisis intervention trainer delivering this program to nursing students. She’s been instrumental in delivering and supporting Positive Space training to StFX nursing students and currently Co-Chairs the Indigenous Nursing Education Committee.  Wendy has worked with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) in the creation of the Entry to Practice Mental Health and Addiction Competencies document and with the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario in the creation of the Nurse Educator Mental Health and Addiction Resource.  She is a member of both the CASN Mental Health Interest Group and the Social Justice and Anti-Racism Interest Group. Wendy is a member of the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses, the Canadian Nursing Association, and is a past member of the STFX AUT Executive. Wendy brings a social justice and community development approach to her work with students through her lived experience of working with vulnerable populations over many years. Wendy served as board member of the Canadian Breast Cancer Network from 2011-2023 as the Nova Scotia representative. She is also a proud member of the Women Alike Abreast a River dragon boat team, whose members are all breast cancer survivors.