COVID-19: Update from StFX President, March 18, 2020

St. Francis Xavier University

To the Campus Community

It’s been four days since the StFX campus started adapting to the new reality. I can say without hesitation that we -- students, faculty and staff -- have been presented with significant and unprecedented challenges, all within a very compressed time frame. The impact related to COVID-19 continues to evolve at a rapid pace with decisions being made on an hour-by-hour basis as new information materializes. 

Having said that, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to our amazing community. It’s said that people come together during times of adversity and the StFX community has been proving this to be true. The level of collaboration, creativity, thoughtfulness, and, yes, understanding and patience is quite simply something to be acknowledged and be proud of. While we work out operational details, we, as a community continue to be resilient. Here are just some of the recent highlights:

-    Our academic community is making tremendous progress regarding transitioning our academic delivery to an online model. With assistance from StFX’s IT staff, our faculty are discovering new opportunities to ensure the term will continue. Students, a reminder that classes will resume on Monday, March 23rd. Your professors will be sending you information regarding your classes by 4pm, Friday, March 20th. Please be sure to monitor your emails. 

-    Our students have been heeding our call to practice social distancing. The vast majority of those living in residence have either left campus or are in the process of moving home. Your cooperation and understanding has been tremendously helpful as we employ measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  To those students who don’t have the opportunity to go home, rest assured we will be here to offer continued support for as long as it takes. 

-    Our services and work on campus continues to wind down. As students make their way home, campus facilities have either closed or are operating with reduced hours. Those employees who are able to work from home have begun to do so and many more are in the process of transitioning to work from home. Please refer to our FAQs posted on for specific services information. 

I extend my gratitude and appreciation to our alumni and friends of the university from around the world who have reached out to offer support. It’s humbling to be reminded of the reach (and the strength) of the Xaverian community.  Thank you. 

As of this afternoon, Nova Scotia Public Health is now reporting 12 cases of COVID-19 within the province. I can’t underscore enough our collective responsibility to do what we can to limit the risk of spreading the virus. I encourage you to be diligent and do your part – stay home, employ the recommended hygiene practices, and be considerate of those at higher risk within our communities. 

For the latest updates from the university, visit

Thanks to all and be safe. 

Kevin B. Wamsley, PhD
President and Vice-chancellor
StFX University