Message from StFX President: Tragedy within the province

To the StFX Community, 

The news of the terrible events that occurred over the last 24 hours within our province continues to unfold. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of all affected by this tragedy. On behalf of the StFX community, our deepest condolences to those whose loved ones have been killed or injured due to this senseless act.

I appreciate that this creates stress and anxiety for everyone across our province and I want to remind the Xaverian community of the resources we have at our disposal to help. I’ve listed them below for your reference and encourage you to use them if needed. 


Kevin B. Wamsley 
President and Vice-Chancellor
StFX University


StFX Employee and Family Assistance Program

EFAP is available 24/7 and can provide you with immediate and confidential help for any work, health or life concern. Access your EFAP: 
By phone: 1-800-387-4765
By website:
Download the MyEAP app in your app store

Resources for Students

Healthy Minds NS
Good2TalkNS: 1-833-292-3698
Crisis Text Line: text “GOOD2TALKNS” to 686868
NS Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-888-429-8167
To arrange a phone meeting with a StFX Health and Counselling Centre staff member, email @email.