StFX researchers successful in latest round of SSHRC funding

L-r, Dr. Wojciech Tokarz, Dr. Lori McKee, Dr. Laura Estill, Dr. Dan Robinson, Susan Cameron and Dr. David Young. Absent from the photo are Dr. Jon Langdon, Dr. Lavinia Stan, Dr. Rachel Hurst, Dr. Katie Aubrecht and Dr. Michael Linkletter,.

Social sciences and humanities research plays an important role in helping society understand some of the biggest challenges facing Canadians. On June 16th, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced more than $175 million to support 809 social sciences and humanities research projects across Canada. This investment, through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC’s) Partnership Grants, Partnership Development Grants, Insight Grants and Aid to Scholarly Journals grants, supports research, research partnerships, and knowledge mobilization across a multitude of issues of critical relevance to our society.

StFX had several successful recipients in the most recent SSHRC funding announcement. Dr. Richard Isnor, Associate Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies noted that StFX researchers continue to have success across a diverse range of SSHRC funding programs. “Over the past several years, our SSHRC application rates and success rates have improved at StFX. We are also seeing more researchers join in successful grant applications with partners at other universities.  This has led to an increase in the amount of funding we receive through the SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), and increased research opportunities for StFX students”.

Among those receiving grant funding are:

SSHRC Partnership Development Grants:

Dr. Laura Estill, English: "Canadian Certificate in Digital Humanities,” funding amount $200,000 (with colleagues at several universities across Canada). This proposal is to create the "Canadian Certificate in Digital Humanities/Certificat canadien en Humanités Numériques" (cc:DH/HN), whose goal is to build on Canada's strengths in digital humanities training by supporting both those who offer this training and those who take it. This is a one-of-a-kind certificate in that it recognizes participation in extracurricular digital humanities workshops. 

Dr. Jon Langdon, Development Studies and Adult Education: “Deepening Translocal Leadership through Social Movement Learning and Knowledge Exchange,” funding amount $200,000 (Dr. Wojciech Tokarz, StFX Modern Languages is a co-applicant, along with other researchers in Canada, community partners are in Africa.) The overall goal is to catalyze and animate local to local (translocal) learning as a means to build capacity among localized movements in their struggles for a climate just and anti-capitalist future. The objectives are to formalize a partnership for translocal knowledge generation amongst movements, social change organizations, and a group of academics who have been meeting informally for the past three years, learning and sharing from each other.

SSHRC Insight Grants 

Dr. Lavinia Stan, Political Science: "Official responses to competing pasts: reckoning with human rights abuses in post-dictatorial settings," funding amount $181,045 (with colleagues in Canada and overseas.) This research program is the first to examine the interaction of and competition between transitional justice programs rectifying multiple recent pasts to understand how and why governments redress some pasts but not others, and how this selective reckoning impacts democratization.

Aid to Scholarly Journals Grants

Dr. Rachel Hurst, Women's and Gender Studies, "Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice" funding amount $88,600 (over three years.)

The following individuals from StFX were co-applicants on successful SSHRC Partnership Development Grants led by others external to StFX: 

Dr. Dan Robinson, Education, Creating a Common Vision for Health Education in Canada, led by Lauren Sulz, University of Alberta 

Dr. Katie Aubrecht, Sociology, An Examination of the Impacts of Tuition Waiver Programs on Access to Post-Secondary Education among Former Youth in Care, led by Jacqueline Gahagan, Mount Saint Vincent University 

Susan Cameron, Angus L. Macdonald Library, and Dr. Michael Linkletter, Celtic Studies, Cainnt is Ceathramhan (Language and Lyrics): Enriching the Metadata and Accessibility of a Digital Gaelic Cultural Resource, led by Heather Sparling, Cape Breton University 

The following individuals from StFX were co-applicants on successful SSHRC Insight Grants led by others external to StFX: 

Dr. Lori McKee, Education, Reading Pedagogies of Equity: Networked Literacy Pedagogues as Resources for Academic Reading Praxes in Teacher Education, led by Rachel Heydon, Western University 

Dr. David Young, Education, Principals for Equitable Achievement: A Case Study of Two Canadian Provinces, led by Stephanie Chitpin, University of Ottawa 

This research is, in part, made possible by the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.