Earth and Environmental Sciences Courses

100 Courses
Course Code Course Name
171 Understanding the Earth
172 Environment, Climate, and Resources
173 Natural Hazards
200 Courses
Course Code Course Name
245 Structural Geology
265 Data Analysis in Earth and Environmental Sciences
266 Hydrology
272 Understanding Climate Change
273 Health and the Environment
274 Health Impacts of Global Climate Change
277 The Earth in Everyday Life
278 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics
279 Earth History and Crustal Materials
300 Courses
Course Code Course Name
301 Genesis of Igneous Rocks
302 Genesis of Metamorphic Rocks
303 Crystal Chemistry and Mineralogy
304 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
305 Geochemistry
365 Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology
375 Geological Field Methods
376 Environmental Earth Science Field Course
377 Earth Observing


400 Courses
Course Code Course Name
406 Environmental Biogeochemistry
426 Ore Deposits
435 Advanced Structure and Tectonics
472 Climate Interactions
473 Sustainable Energy Systems and Infrastructure
476 Advanced Geological Field Methods
490 Senior Thesis
491 Senior Seminar
499 Directed Study



Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

2052 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5