Committee on Academic Review
Departmental Evaluation Committees (DEC)
Members of the StFX community can access resources related to the DEC process here.
Members will have to log in using a StFX username and password to access the documents.
List of Chairs and Coordinators
The current list of Chairs, Coordinators and Directors can be found here.
Convocation Award Guidelines
Faculty Annual Report
Developing Academic Programs
StFX supports faculty members, departments, or schools in developing new academic credentials that are responsive to the needs of the local and broader communities. This Guide to Creating New Academic Programs and Credentials, approved by University Senate in February 2025, guides interested parties through the steps required to create new offerings.
The Guidelines apply to the following for-credit credentials:
- New undergraduate or graduate degrees.
- New fields of specialization (e.g., majors, advanced majors, or honours) within existing degrees.
- New areas of specialization within a degree that does not offer a major (e.g., BEd in Secondary Education) that will be recognized on the transcript .
- Introduction of a joint major (or equivalent) if one or more fields of the joint major is not already approved within the degree.
- New Diplomas: undergraduate, post baccalaureate, or graduate.
- New stand-alone Certificates: undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or graduate (i.e., certificates that are earned independent of a degree).
- New undergraduate or graduate certificates that are earned within another degree (i.e., embedded in the degree) if they comprise 30 credits or more at the undergraduate level or 15 credits or more at the graduate level.
People considering new programs should also consult these frameworks, developed by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission. The frameworks outline the definitions, structure, and goals for various degrees, diplomas, and certificates.
Maritime Degree Level Qualifications Framework
Maritime University Certificate and Diploma Framework
Groups are encouraged to contact Gina Sampson, Director of Academic Projects & Planning, early in the process for support and information.
Review of Academic Administrators
Senior Academic Administrators are reviewed through a regular and transparent process. Details about the process and timeline for evaluation of the current leadership team is available here.
Academic Priorities and Planning Subcommittees
Timetable Review Committee
Type: Ad hoc Committee
Established in March 2016, the Timetable Review Committee shall have the responsibility of conducting a full review of the current timetabling process at StFX. The Committee will examine the two central components of the timetabling process: 1) the current time block structure (the schedule) and 2) the process that is used to allocate courses and rooms within that structure. This committee reports to APP in an advisory capacity and is not a decision-making committee.
AVP&P - chair
3 faculty members (APP & CON - Cory Rushton, Brad Long, Martin van Bommel)
Head, Student Services
4 Deans
Student Academic VP
1 Academic Advisor
Manager, Academic Projects
Associate Registrar -- Academic
Enrolment Advisory Committee
Type: Standing Committee
Originally established in winter 2015 by President MacDonald as the Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Committee, the committee name and reporting structure was changed after a review of Senate committees in the fall of 2015. The committee was made an APP sub-committee and re-named the the Enrolment Advisory Committee to reflect Senate's interest in enrolment. This committee reports to APP in an advisory capacity and is not decision-making.
Registrar - Chair
Director of Communications
Head, Student Services
1 Dean
Associate Registrar - Recruitment
Associate Registrar - Enrolment
Manager, Academic Projects and Planning
4 Senators - 1 from each Faculty
Student VP Academic
Student Academic Engagement Committee
Type: Standing Committee
Established in 2017, this committee manages the retention of students from the service level. The committee considers the student population from point of contact as high school students to graduation and alumni status. The purpose of the committee is to enhance the retention rates and student services through consistent and thorough communication between all units of academic and non-academic services at an operational level.
It is not a decision-making committee.
Associate Registrar - Enrolment - Chair
Manager of Student Experience
Director, Student Life
Manager, Student Success Centre
Manager, University Housing
1 academic advisor
Associate Dean
International Admissions Specialist
Director, Internationalization
Financial Aid Officer
3 Faculty members
Subcommittee to Explore Departmental and Interdisciplinary Reorganization
Type: Ad hoc committee
Purpose: to determine if StFX is organized to realize its potential in academic programs.
Members: (4, one from each faculty)
Jane McMillan
Bobbi Morrison
Dan Robinson
Dave Risk
Subcommittee to Explore Grading System for Undergraduate Programs
Type: Ad hoc Committee
Established October 2018. The purpose of this ad hoc committee is to examine Section 3.10d of the Academic Calendar, to discuss both the written work and grade percentage requirements for undergraduate courses. The Committee should seek feedback from Faculty members and students.
1 Dean - chair
8 Faculty members - 2 from each Faculty
3 student members
808 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5