Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarships

The Province of Nova Scotia created the Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarships (NSGS) to help advance the economic and social well-being of Nova Scotians by investing in graduate thesis-based research in the following defined priority sectors: Ocean/Marine Technology; Life Sciences; Information and Communication Technology; Clean Technology; Aerospace and Defence; Resource Sectors; Financial Services; Health and Wellness; and Social Innovation.

These scholarships are valued at up to $10,000 per year for up to 2 years at the Master’s level, and up to $15,000 per year for up to 4 years at the PhD level, for Canadian and international students. Only those students who have been accepted into a thesis-based graduate program at StFX may be considered.

At St. Francis Xavier University, the Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarships are intended to be primarily entrance awards, although they may also be awarded to continuing students. New or continuing graduate students must be nominated for these Scholarships by their Graduate Program Coordinator using the StFX Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarships nomination form. Nominations for new or continuing students must be submitted in digital form to the Office of the Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies, normally by mid-February (i.e. February 15th) each year.

Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarship Information Overview

Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarship Applications are made using the StFX ROMEO Researcher Portal.

NSGS Reports (due 24 months after a Masters student, or 48 months after a PhD student, receiving these awards begins their program) are made using the StFX ROMEO Researcher Portal. For more information: please contact the Office of the Associate Vice President, Research, Graduate and Professional Studies. 



Nicholson Tower - 7th Floor
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5