StFX Advancement Department wins six national CCAE awards

It was a very successful week for StFX’s Advancement Department, which picked up six national medals out of 10 categories entered at the recent Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE) 2020 Prix d'Excellence Awards.

StFX is a member of the CCAE, along with over 130 other Canadian post-secondary institutions.
“The CCAE recognizes best practices in the realm of fundraising, alumni relations, and communications at advancement departments across the country. Annually, the CCAE awards “Prix d’Excellence” through a peer-led evaluation process. We were thrilled to recently learn that StFX won six of these awards, second only to McGill in the number of awards an institution had received,” says Murray Kyte, VP Advancement.

“It is a huge honour to receive one award, let alone six of them! To me, it highlights the quality of our people within Advancement and also across the university as much of the work involves various units working together.”

StFX Advancement was recognized with awards in the following categories:
• GOLD—Best Alumni Initiative - Celebrating 50 years of Women Athletics, St. Francis Xavier University
• GOLD--Best Donor Relations Initiative - Mulroney Liaison Officers, St. Francis Xavier University
• GOLD—Best Indigenous Relations Initiative – Indigenous Women in Community Leadership Alumni Gathering, St. Francis Xavier University
• SILVER–Best Media Relations Initiative - Mulroney Institute and Mulroney Hall Grand Opening, St. Francis Xavier University
• BRONZE–Best Alumni Initiative – Homecoming 2019, St. Francis Xavier University
• BRONZE–Best Print Magazine – 2018-19 Donor Impact Report, St. Francis Xavier University