Opportunities, community highlight time at StFX, says fourth year student Kacie Lafreniere who’s won the cost of her X-Ring through a senior survey 

Kacie Lafreniere is pictured with Academic Vice-President & Provost (Acting) Dr. Tim Hynes. Kacie won the cost of her X-Ring by participating in an annual survey for senior students.

Fourth year human kinetics student Kacie Lafreniere of Pembrooke, ON, recently received some welcome news: she’s won the cost of her X-Ring by participating in an annual survey for senior students that gauges student satisfaction and experience. All participants are eligible for the prize draw to win the cost of their X-Ring.

The survey is administered by the Academic Vice-President and Provost’s office and the Office of Institutional Analysis. It collects data on all aspects of the student experience from academics to extracurriculars from a senior student perspective.

“Throughout my time at StFX, I have had incredible opportunities within the StFX and Antigonish community, and I have met so many wonderful people along the way,” Ms. Lafreniere says. 

“As I am the first member of my family to attend StFX, I was not aware of just how strong the community is before I had arrived. In my first year, I lived in MacKinnon Hall (specifically, Chillis), where I quickly learned that friends would turn into family. I can happily say that many of those people are still some of my best friends, and roommates, today,” she says. 

“I am in my fourth year of the Human Kinetics program, where I have been able to expand my knowledge in many areas and develop great relationships with my classmates and professors, in part due to our small class sizes.”

Currently, she is completing her honours thesis project. She says she is grateful for the opportunity to do research in the final year of her undergraduate degree. 

“Additionally, I have volunteered for the Fit4Life children’s after-school program throughout the past three years. This has allowed me to work with children in the Antigonish community, as well as gain valuable teaching experience by fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for children to play and engage in. I have also been involved with StFX’s Orientation Crew (O-Crew) since my second year, and I was one of two co-chairs this past year. Through O-Crew, I have met so many amazing individuals and helped facilitate the transition for incoming students to StFX during Orientation Week. O-Crew truly embodies the StFX spirit!”

Ms. Lafreniere says she believes the X-Ring encapsulates all these experiences. 

“While these are just a few examples from my time at StFX, I am reminded of the memories I have here every time I look at my ring. It is also symbolic of the amount of work that was completed to get to this point. With graduation around the corner, I will soon be an alumnus, but I am proud to be a part of the StFX family and community for life. There is something special about being able to connect with others by simply recognizing the ring on their finger. I am endlessly thankful to be the winner of the ‘cost of your X-Ring’ survey.”