RSoN Student Resources

StFX Student Nursing Society 

The nursing society is a student-led organization representing all students within the StFX Rankin School of Nursing. The nursing society partakes in activities such as social events and networking, fundraising, monthly general meetings, planning an annual professional development day.   

Nursing Society Leadership (2024-2025)

Katelyn Morran | Co-President |

Abigail Worrall | Co-President |

Ashley Ingram | Vice President |

Kaitlyn Gillis | Treasurer |

Abigail Publicover | Secretary |

Nursing Society Year Representatives

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year


Canadian Nursing Student Association (CNSA)

StFX nursing students are members of the Canadian Nursing Student Association (CNSA). CNSA represents the interests of nursing students to governments and health care organizations nationally, and provides a forum for students to interact with other nursing students on educational, professional, and social levels. CNSA holds national and regional conferences annually.    

Nursing student Jenifer Skinner represents StFX School of Nursing to CNSA (2024).    

Rankin School of Nursing Student Handbook
Nova Scotia College of Nursing
Canadian Nurses Association
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing