Laura Estill

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Laura Estill

Campus Location
Nicholson Tower Rm 405
(902) 867-4844

Ph.D. English (Wayne State University)

M.A. English (University of Toronto)

B.A. Honours with Distinction, English and Drama (University of Windsor)


 Digital Humanities; Digital Pedagogy; Shakespeare; Early Modern Literature; Book History; Manuscript Studies.



Dramatic Extracts in Seventeenth-Century English Manuscripts: Watching, Reading, Changing Plays. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2015. xxviii + 255 pp.


Early British Drama in Manuscript. Co-edited with Tamara Atkin. Brepols, 2019. xiv + 376 pp.

Early Modern Studies after the Digital Turn. Co-edited with Diane Jakacki and Michael Ullyot. Toronto: Iter and Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2016. viii + 378 pp.


Editor, with Ray Siemens and Anupam Basu, Early Modern Digital Review.

Editor, with Beatrice Montedoro, DEx: A Database of Dramatic Extracts.


“Shakespeare's Early Readers and Users: Annotation, Commonplacing, Collecting,” The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Textual Studies. Ed. Lukas Erne. Arden, 2021. 

“Legacy Technologies and Digital Futures: The Case of the World Shakespeare Bibliogrophy,” Doing More Digital Humanities. Ed. Constance Crompton, Ray Siemens, and Richard J. Lane. Routledge, 2020.

Digital Humanities' Shakespeare Problem.” Humanities 8.1 (2019): 45 

Shakespearean Extracts, Manuscript Cataloguing, and the Misrepresentation of the Archive,” Shakespeare's Theatrical Documents. Ed. Tiffany Stern. Arden, 2019. 175-92.

Thomas Higgons's The Dismal Tempest: An Unpublished Seventeenth-Century Play Fragment. The Seventeenth Century 34 (2019): 1-27. 

“The Urge to Organize Early Modern Miscellanies,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 11.2 (2018): 27-73. *Winner of Medieval & Renaissance Drama Society Barbara Palmer award for best new essay in early drama archival research.

“Storing and Accessing Knowledge: Digital Tools for the Study of Early Modern Drama,” co-authored with Andie Silva. Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools. Ed. Janelle Jenstad, Jennifer Roberts-Smith, and Mark Kaethler. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018. 131-43.

Is Falstaff Falstaff? Is Prince Hal Henry V?: Topic Modeling Shakespeare’s Plays,”  co-authored with Luis Meneses. Digital Studies/Champ Numérique 8.1 (2018).

 “Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Student-Led Assignment Design: Wikipedia in University Literature Classes” Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) 11.3 (2017).

 “Shakespeare and Disciplinarity.” The Shakespeare User: Critical and Creative Appropriations in a Networked Culture. Ed. Valerie Fazel and Louise Geddes. New York: Palgrave, 2017. 167-86.

Encoding the Edge: Manuscript Marginalia and the TEI,” Digital Literary Studies 1.1 (2016): 62-78.

  “Commonplacing Shakespeare.” Shakespeare and Textual Studies.  Ed. M. J. Kidnie and Sonia Massai.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015. 149-62.

“‘Spare your arithmetic, never count the turns’: A Statistical Analysis of Writing about Shakespeare, 1960-2010,” co-written with Dominic Klyve and Kate Bridal, Shakespeare Quarterly 66.1 (2015): 1-28.

Evaluating Digital Remediations of Women’s Manuscripts.”  Co-authored with Michelle Levy.  Beyond Accessibility: Textual Studies in the 21st Century.  Ed. Brent Nelson and Richard Cunningham. Digital Studies/Champ Numérique 6 (2015).

Digital Bibliography and Global Shakespeare.”  Scholarly and Research Communication 5.4 (2014): 13 pp.

Commonplace Markers and Quotation Marks” ArchBook: Architectures of the Book.  Ed. Alan Galey et al. University of Toronto iSchool.  2014.

“‘All the Adulteries of Art’: The Dramatic Excerpts of Margaret Bellasys’s BL Add. MS 10309.” New Ways of Looking at Old Texts V: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society 2007-2012.  Ed. Michael Denbo. Tempe, AZ: Renaissance English Texts Society and Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2014. 235-45.

“New Contexts for Early Tudor Plays: William Briton, an early reader of Gorboduc,” Early Theatre 16.2 (2013): 197-210.

“‘Pretty booke when I am gone’: Folger MS. V.a.262 and its Compiler,” Huntington Library Quarterly 76.3 (2013): 413-32.

A Late Seventeenth-Century Reader of Sir John Suckling’s Fragmenta Aurea,” Opuscula: Short Texts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance 2.5 (2012): 1-10.

 “Manuscript Circulation.”  Co-authored with Arthur F. Marotti.  The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare.  Ed. Arthur F. Kinney.  Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. 53-70.