St. Francis Xavier University is pleased to offer certificate programs in specialty areas to Post-RN students through distance education. Designed specifically for practicing nurses, these courses enable nurses to develop a stronger theory base, enhance their practice, and address health care needs across nursing practice and life continuums.

Each course is fully transferable into the StFX Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and awards a certificate of completion upon conclusion of all required courses.

Each Certificate program is comprised of four required courses, valued at 3 credits each, totaling 12 credits and are delivered over a 10-week period.

These certificate programs may be taken by students currently enrolled in the Post-RN BScN Program, as well as those preparing to enroll in a baccalaureate program or nurses simply wanting to take a certificate program for personal or professional interest. Everything needed to complete the courses can be found online via Moodle (Learning Management System) with the exception of the course text(s) which is additional.

Certificate in gerontological nursing

This program is designed to prepare registered nurses to deliver holistic, effective care to older adults. Developing knowledge and practice skills enables nurses to address comprehensive needs of older client populations, identifying strengths as well as professional care needs. Each course is worth 3 credits.

The core curriculum includes the following courses:
N115: Health Teaching & Learning
N245: Aging and the Older Adult
N425: Comprehensive Health Assessment
N488: Challenges in Aging: Implications for Nursing

Certificate in continuing care

This program is designed to prepare registered nurses to move into the home health care area. This program enables nurses to move from acute care to home health care and expand their professional competencies and knowledge. Each course is worth 3 credits.

The core curriculum includes the following courses:
N135: Contemporary Issues in Nursing
N115: Health Teaching & Learning
N205: Community Health Nursing
N425: Comprehensive Health Assessment

Course descriptions

Course descriptions can be found in section 9.28 of the StFX Academic Calendar.


A current RN registration and one year clinical experience are required for both certificates and any of the specialty courses. For more information on registration and fees regarding these courses please contact the Program Office.

Certificate Program Application

Reference form



StFX Centre for Online Learning & Professional Studies

2nd Floor MacDonald Hall
2175 Varsity Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5