Peter Clancy

Dr. Peter Clancy

Peter Clancy

Senior Research Professor
Campus Location
Immaculata Hall Rm 407

Peter Clancy is a Senior Research Professor at StFX. He retired from full-time teaching in 2016. Prior to that time he taught in several sub-fields of Canadian Politics, including Business and Government, Law and Politics, Provincial Politics, the Politics of Natural Resource Management and senior seminars in Canadian Politics.

He was also associated with the StFX Program of Interdisciplinary Studies in Aquatic Resources or ISAR. There, Peter taught a course on Freshwater Politics and for a time served as Program Coordinator. In the autumn term of 2006, he taught a combined group of StFX and Memorial University students of political science at Harlow, England. In 2016 he received the StFX University Research Award.

On several occasions Peter has been a Visiting Scholar at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, England. He has also spent time as an invited Visiting Lecturer at the School of Management Studies of the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. In 2005 he spent a half year as Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Resource Law and Policy, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Western Australia in Perth.

At present, Peter teaches a course in Governance (PGOV 202) for the StFX Program in Public Policy and Governance. 


Peter‘s work centres on the interplay of economic and political interests in a variety of settings, including business politics, natural resource industries and environments. This includes wildlife, forests, petroleum, minerals, fisheries and water. The geo-political fields for these inquiries include Canada and its regions (Northern, Atlantic and Prairie in particular). Relationships between resource owners, users and markets figure in most of these studies, with state policy as a crucial mediating form.


His book on Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (co-authored with Dr. Mario Levesque at Mount Allison University) will be published in 2025 by UBC Press. This project has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 

2019. (Co-edited with P. Whitney Lackenbauer) Shaping Inuit Policy: The Minutes of the Eskimo Affairs Committee, 1952-62. Calgary: Arctic Institute of North America.

2018. (Donald F. George with Peter Clancy). From Nova Scotia to Algonquin Park: Memoirs of a Dirt Forester. Whitney Ont: Friends of Algonquin Park.

2014. Freshwater Politics in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Higher Education.

2011. Offshore Petroleum Politics: Regulation and Risk in the Scotian Basin. Vancouver: UBC Press.

2004. Micropolitics and Canadian Business: Paper, Steel and the Airlines. Peterborough: Broadview Press.

2000. (Co-authored with Anders Sandberg) Against the Grain: Foresters and Politics in Nova Scotia. Vancouver: UBC Press.

2000. (Co-authored with James Bickerton, Rod Haddow and Ian Stewart) The Savage Years: the Perils of Reinventing Government in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Formac Books.