Robbie MacLeod

Headshot of Robbie MacLeod

Robbie MacLeod

Assistant Professor
Campus Location
Immaculata Hall (Mount Saint Bernard) - Room 422

Degree: PhD University of Glasgow

Robbie MacLeòid is an assistant professor for the 2023-24 academic year. He undertook an MRes and a PhD at the University of Glasgow. His doctoral dissertation, ‘Love and Gender in Medieval Gaelic Saga’, examined Gaelic literature through queer and feminist lenses. He has taught medieval and modern Gaelic language and literature at the University of Glasgow, and outwith the University has spoken on Gaelic heroic ballads, contemporary Gaelic songwriting, poetry, and video gaming.

Robbie has myriad research interests. His primary focus is Gaelic literature in its many forms, from medieval to modern, from the written to the spoken, and from the personal to the virtual. He also works as a creative practitioner; his most recent project has been a Gaelic musical adaptation of the Deirdre story. In 2023-24, Robbie is teaching CELT 101 (Scottish Gaelic Language and Culture I), CELT 102 (Scottish Gaelic Language and Culture II), CELT/MUSI 319 (Celtic Music), CELT/ENGL 327 (Celtic Kings, Heroes and Monsters: Medieval Ireland), CELT/ENGL 328 (Celtic Kings, Heroes and Monsters: Medieval Wales), and CELT 363 (Love, Sex, and Gender in the Medieval Gaelic World).

’S e iar-ollamh airson na bliadhna acadaimigiche 2023-24 a th’ ann an Robbie MacLeòid. Rinn e MRes agus PhD aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu. Na thràchdas dotaireil, ‘Love and Gender in Medieval Gaelic Saga’, sgrùdaich e sgeulachdan na Seann Ghàidhlig le innleachdan cuèir agus feimineach. Tha e air Gàidhlig agus seann Ghàidhlig a theagasg aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, agus an litreachasan. Taobh a-muigh an Oilthighe, tha e air bruidhinn air laoidhean na Fèinne, òrain ùra anns a’ Ghàidhlig, bàrdachd, agus geamannan coimpiutair.

Tha iomadach ùidh rannsachaidh aig Robbie. Ann am prìomhachas, ’s e litreachas na Gàidhlig a bhios a’ tarraing aire, ge bith ann an sgrìobhte, labhairte, meadhan-aoiseil, nuadh, pearsanta, no biortail a tha e. Anns a’ bhliadhna acadaimigich 2023-24, bidh e a’ teagasg CELT 101 (Cànan agus Cultar na Gàidhlig I), CELT 102 (Cànan agus Cultar na Gàidhlig II), CELT/MUSI 319 (Ceòl Ceilteach), CELT/ENGL 327 (Rìghrean, Gaisgich, agus Uilebheistean: Èirinn Mheadhan-aoiseil), CELT/ENGL 328 (Rìghrean, Gaisgich, agus Uilebheistean: A’ Chumrigh Mheadhan-aoiseil), and CELT 363 (Gaol, Feis, agus Gnè ann an Saoghal Mheadhan-aoiseil nan Gàidheal).