Exceptional student research highlights annual StFX Student Research Day

A broad range of research topics—from a light activated approach to water purification and improving the quality of drinking water in Canada’s Indigenous communities to COVID-19 denial among university students—were on display April 7th as 70 students showcased their work during the annual StFX Student Research Day.  

The day gives students the opportunity to showcase their research or advanced studies undertaken as part of their upper year classes, advanced majors, honours, or graduate programs. 

The evening, held virtually this year, is dedicated to students’ work in either an oral presentation or poster format with the presenting students available to provide other students, faculty, staff, and interested community members with the opportunity to discuss the research presented.

“Student Research Day at StFX is always a key event on our academic calendar. This year we have 70 students making presentations about their research across a wide range of disciplines and topics,” says Dr. Richard Isnor, Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies.

“We have organized 10 different sessions that took place, each had seven student presenters and a faculty moderator. For me, this is the highlight of the year and one of the most special things about StFX, getting to hear from our exceptional student researchers about their projects and their findings.”

Dr. Isnor says there will be a few special prizes from the event, including the Service Learning Prize and the Library Prize, awarded in the coming days.  

In special recognition of all student research presenters, the Research Services Group is providing a donation of $10 in the name of each student research presenter to Kevin’s Corner, the student food resource centre. “We had 70 student presenters, so we will be donating $700 in their names to Kevin’s Corner, which provides healthy snacks to our student and contributes to food security for StFX students,” he says.

The event also had three draw prizes of $75 to the X Store, announced by Academic Vice-President & Provost (Acting) Dr. Tim Hynes in his closing remarks. The winners are: Olivia Crewe, Maranda van Oirschot and Chantel Yakimets.

This research is, in part, made possible by the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.