We Stand Together

Flags within StFX’s Alumni Plaza fly at half-staff

At 11:00 AM ADT, Friday, April 24, the Xaverian community will observe a two-minute pause in honour of all affected by the tragic events. This is a personal moment for you to reflect in your own way.

A special thank you to Carolyn Hamilton-Kuby ’00 ’05 for submitting this beautiful poem. 

Please take care of yourself, and one another. 

We Stand Together
We stand together, in pause, and mourn for StFX family;
And for all of those affected in Nova Scotia’s community.
We stand together in honour of 22 most precious souls;
Your legacies of life will remain, through fonder stories told.
We stand together united for their families and friends;
Know that you are not alone and, in time, hearts will mend.    
We stand together in gratitude of the heroes – here, and gone;
Who helped -- and tried to help – please know your efforts truly shone.
We stand together knowing ‘Whatsoever Things are True’;
The Truth is:  Love and Faith live on -- God Bless All Twenty-Two.