Karine LeBris

Karine Le Bris' photo

Karine LeBris

Campus Location
Nasso Family Science Centre 1063 (Lab)
(902) 867-5403 (Lab)

Karine Le Bris’s research focuses on the characterization, by spectroscopic techniques, of the optical properties of gases. This research program was developed, in collaboration with the University of Toronto, to improve the reliability of data parameters and infrared cross-sections of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances. The results have direct applications in the data retrieval from ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite platforms and, ultimately, increase our understanding of Earth and planetary atmospheres. Dr. Le Bris is also developing a new spectroscopic instrument, based on the whispering-gallery modes of silica micro-resonators, for in-situ measurements of atmospheric trace gases and pollutants. A new laboratory facility will be implemented at StFX to support this research program.

Atmospheric Physics & Spectroscopy