Earth and Environmental Sciences Degree Requirements 

Students must follow one of three options:

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Candidates must follow the degree regulations and program patterns outlined in chapter 7 of the Academic Calendar and complete:

Foundations: CHEM 101/102 or 121/122; 6 credits of PHYS 101, 102, 121, 122 and/or BIOL 111, 112

Fundamentals: EESC 172, 171 or 173, 245, 265, 266, 272, 277, 279, 375 or 376; 15 credits EESC electives at the 300-400 level

Advanced major program must follow all requirements and complete EESC 303, 304, 305 or 377, 491; 6 credits EESC electives

Honours program must follow advanced major requirements and complete EESC 435, 490; 12 credits of EESC electives (or other science courses approved by the department chair)

Earth and Environmental Sciences with Geoscience Concentration

Candidates must follow the degree regulations and program patterns outlined in chapter 7 of the Academic Calendar and complete:

Foundations: CHEM 101/102 or 121/122; 6 credits of PHYS 101, 102, 121, 122 and/or BIOL 111, 112

Fundamentals: EESC 171,172, 245, 265, 277, 279, 303, 304, 375; 9 credits EESC at the 300-400 level

Advanced major program must follow all requirements and complete EESC 301, 302, 305, 365, 377, 491

Honours program must follow advanced major requirements and complete EESC 435, 490, 9 credits of EESC electives (or other science courses approved by the department chair)

Earth and Environmental Sciences with Environmental Systems Concentration

Candidates must follow the following degree regulations and program patterns outlined in chapter 7 of the Academic Calendar and complete:

Foundations: BIOL 112; CHEM 101/102 or 121/122; PHYS 101 or 121; BIOL 203; 9 credits from CHEM 265, CLEN 303 or 304, CSCI 161, EESC 245, MATH 287, PHYS 102 or 122, STAT 231

Fundamentals: 6 credits from two of the following groups: EESC 172, 273 or 274; CLEN 101, 102; EESC 171 or 173, and EESC 265, 266, 272, 277, 279, 376; 9-15 credits EESC electives or approved Science A courses at the 300-400 level to meet degree requirements

Advanced major program must follow all requirements and complete EESC 365, 377, 406, 472, 473, 491; 6 credits EESC electives or approved Science A courses

Honours program must follow advanced major requirements and complete EESC 490; 6-12 credits of EESC electives or approved Science A courses to meet degree requirements.

Joint Honours and Joint Advanced Major Programs

Joint honours and joint advanced major programs are offered in biology, chemistry, computer science and mathematics/statistics. Joint advanced major program is offered with the department of physics.

Co-operative Education Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences

This optional academic program allows students the opportunity to gain 12 months of professional, paid work experience in a range of opportunities in industry, government and not-for-profit across Canada. Students can gain technical and professional experience in field and lab work research, policy and education to reinforce classroom-based instruction and to increase students’ networks and employability. COOP 405 (3-credits) can be used as EESC elective or as an open or approved elective. 

Minor in Earth and Environmental Sciences

EESC 171, 172 and 18 additional EESC credits.


Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

2052 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5