Alternative Placement

Alternative Placement 

Pre-service teachers going into their 4th and final placement may choose to apply for an alternative placement with the approval of their Faculty Advisor. An alternative placement is in a setting outside of the traditional classroom environment. Applications for alternative placements should be focused on promoting personal professional growth targets: rationales such as being closer to home, or being in or near a location where a job opportunity may emerge are discouraged. The intent of this placement is to provide an opportunity for pre-service teachers to gain experience which is not available through the usual placements and which will round out their professional preparation. These are exceptional placements and require the approval of the Field Experience Committee.

Alternative Placement Procedures:

  • Interested pre-service teachers in their final year must discuss their intention with their Faculty Advisor during the fall field experience.
  • If tentative approval is given by the Faculty Advisor, pre-service teachers must inform their Associate Teachers and school administration that they are requesting an alternative placement and may not be returning.
  • Interested individuals must complete the required application form and have it signed by their Faculty Advisors by January 12th. This application and fee can be submitted to the Field Coordinator. (The form is available at the back of the student handbook).
  • Students will be responsible to pay for any additional costs incurred due to the alternative placement. The Field Coordinator will calculate the expected additional costs in advance of the start of the alternative field experience (which may be subject to change). The student must pay this cost before the alternate placement begins.
  • The Field Coordinator will inform the pre-service teacher, Faculty Advisor, and Associate Teacher along with their school administration if an individualized placement has been confirmed.
  • It is understood that pre-service teachers will continue in their original placements if the alternative placement requested is not approved.
  • Individuals are responsible for their own transportation (and any costs incurred) associated with their alternative placements.