Bibliography for Footnotes/Endnotes

Only references cited in the text are to be included in the list titled "Bibliography" at the end of the manuscript. 

Your references should begin on a new, separate piece of paper. 

The list should be in alphabetical order (Treat Mc as Mac. Surnames containing, for example, De, de la, or Von, should be listed under D or V.) 

Names should be in upper and lower case. 

References should be presented in double space with no empty space between citations. Entries should have a hanging indent of 1.3 cm (1/2 inch). 



Foote, Dudley. 1982. The Civil War: Perspectives in Change.  New York: Vintage. 


Bennett, Colin J. and Robin Bayley. 1999. "The New Public Administration of Information: Canadian 
          Approaches to Access and Privacy." In Public Administration and Policy: Governing in Challenging 
          Times, ed Martin W. Westmacott and Hugh P. Mellon. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall. 


Palazar, Debra J. and Donald K. Alper. 2002. "Reconciling Environmentalism and the Left: Perspectives on Democracy and Social Justice in British Columbia'sEnvironmental Movement." Canadian Journal of Political Science 35: 527-66. 

In co-authored references, all authors' full names must be included as they appear in the work being referenced. 

Generational references in names, such as Jr. or II, should be listed following the given name and a comma. 

For example, 
Rockefeller, John D., III, [the rest of the reference]. 


Political Science Department

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