Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is any form of knowledge or expression created with one's intellect, and includes such works as: inventions, literary, artistic, musical, visual works, computer software, trademarks, "know-how" In a more general sense, "intellectual property" refers to the intangible aspects of certain types of property, which can include both physical (tangible) and intangible elements. These elements can each possess economic value independent of the other, and can both be sold/assigned/transferred either separately or as a whole.

IP may exist in many forms, including artistic and literary works, inventions and discoveries, processes, knowledge, pharmaceuticals, data sets, data bases, audio visual and computer material, electronic circuitry, biotechnology products and products of genetic engineering, computer software, circuit board schematics, and any other item, knowledge, thought, or product of research.  

Intellectual property is normally thought of as property which can be protected by patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright, and trade secrets. 

Provisions governing Intellectual Property generated by StFX Faculty Members are set out in the StFX AUT Collective Agreement.

The University has also developed Intellectual Property Guidelines for StFX Students.

All aspects of Intellectual Property can be addressed by contacting the Industry Liaison Office.



Nicholson Tower - 7th Floor
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5