StFX signs onto Scarborough Charter

StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin (left) and VP Students Elizabeth Yeo sign the Scarborough Charter

StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin and Vice President Students Elizabeth Yeo, who co-chairs the President's Action Committee on Anti-Racism (PACAR), have signed an important document called the Scarborough National Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education: Principles, Actions, and Accountabilities.

This is a national plan of action by Canadian universities and colleges aimed at dismantling anti-Black racism and fostering Black inclusion in the post-secondary sector. 

“We have been working hard as a university on anti-racism and we have formed a committee to move forward and it’s very important that we keep on this path,” said Dr. Hakin. “ We are pleased to be signatories.”

“We are so grateful to the foundational work of those who crafted the Scarborough Chapter. It will be an incredibly important tool for us to advance this work on our campus,” said Ms. Yeo.

The Charter contains four overarching principles that institutions can apply as they develop policies that:

- Support Black flourishing by removing structural barriers to equity inclusion and social justice while advancing research, critical thinking and engaged dissemination of knowledge that foster substantive equality, human dignity and sustainability;

- Through inclusive excellence, recognize that equity, diversity and inclusion and that equitable inclusion enriches post-secondary education and is critical to excellence;

- Foster mutuality by developing positive, interactive relationships with Black communities, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally;

- Accepting accountability through a process of continuous improvement, including ongoing, sustained implementation of the Charter’s principles-based commitments to action.  

Members of the StFX PACAR Committee have commenced their work of delivering on the vision of a safe, accessible, supportive and welcoming campus community for all. The committee is currently gathering and reviewing information and reports compiled by those who have come before them in this work at StFX. They are also gathering resources from other institutions and organizations who have demonstrated leadership in anti-racism. From this, the committee will distill key learnings concerning the systemic changes needed to support change and the ways in which each member of our community can contribute to this work. The committee will be sharing opportunities for others to contribute their expertise and energy in support of this work. 

PACAR will identify and address systemic barriers to full and equal participation at StFX, review university policies, procedures, and practices to ensure alignment with StFX's goals of equity and inclusion. Widespread education about racism and clear communications about the intolerance of racism and racist practices must be at the forefront of the anti-racist strategy. The scope of work will encompass the entire sphere of university operations.