Celebrating 60 years of cooperation amongst Atlantic Canadian science faculties and organizations

As Science Atlantic celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, members of the StFX community gathered on Nov. 19, 2021 to dedicate a tree to mark six decades of cooperation amongst Atlantic Canadian science faculties and organizations through Science Atlantic. The dedication recognizes StFX’s past contributions and its continuing commitment to Science Atlantic.

The ceremony was one of many tree dedications taking place across the Atlantic region, said Dr. Robert van den Hoogen, Chair, Science Atlantic, and faculty member in the StFX Department of Mathematics and Statistics. 

“It’s a celebration of 60 years of achievement,” StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin said in remarks at the event held inside in the Joyce Family Atrium due to inclement weather. 

The tree, planted outside Mulroney Hall, on the pathway between the Angus L. Macdonald Library and Nicholson Tower, is symbolic of the impact Science Atlantic has had in the region, where it has fostered connections and supported and nourished all branches of science and continues to grow, he said. 

Dr. Joe Apaloo, Interim Dean, StFX Faculty of Science, also spoke about the unique partnership that Science Atlantic has brought. 

The year 1962 marked the beginning of a partnership between the various science groups at Atlantic Canadian universities. Initially known as the Atlantic Provinces Inter-University Committee on the Sciences (APICS), the mission of the organization has remained consistent over time: to advance post-secondary science education and research in Atlantic Canada by providing opportunities that foster and enrich students, supporting and inspiring researchers, educators, and the broader scientific community, using their collective voice to address important regional science issues.

The organization’s 10 discipline-specific and several topic-based committees provide the opportunity for scientists and educators to connect with their colleagues from across the region, participate in online discussions, learn about local research, and connect with potential new research partners, and meet students and researchers face-to-face at conferences.

During the event, individuals from the audience were invited to come to the podium to share their experiences with Science Atlantic.