Learning about the experiences of trans and queer young adults with primary care in northeastern rural Nova Scotia

Headshot of a woman
Laura Hughes McKay

Contributing to our Health -- A Series About StFX Research Making A Difference In Our Communities

StFX is a leader in health innovation and entrepreneurship in Nova Scotia. In this ongoing series, we proudly shine a spotlight on our health research leaders, research and community health partnerships and their impact. For more on the Contributing to our Health series, click the link below.

Contributing to our Health series

“One of my favourite things about nursing is having the privilege of hearing people’s stories. That’s what my research project is about—finding out trans and queer individuals’ experiences with primary care” ~ StFX student Laura Hughes McKay

Laura Hughes McKay a fourth year nursing student from Truro, NS, has launched a survey to explore the experiences of trans and queer young adults with primary care in northeastern rural Nova Scotia. 

To conduct the research, she received a Scotia Scholar Undergraduate Research Award from Research Nova Scotia. 

“One of my favourite things about nursing is having the privilege of hearing people’s stories,” she says. “That’s what my research project is about—finding out trans and queer individuals’ experiences with primary care. 

“Doing this and receiving the Scotia Scholar award has meant that I am better able to give my research my undivided attention. “
Although at times it has been overwhelming, she says one of the best parts “has been being able to learn the process by teaming up with my super smart and supportive supervisor Deborah Mansell. I have also learned so much by receiving feedback from experts in the community who are passionate about trans and queer health.”