Personal Pets Policy

Human Resources

Updated June 2024

Employees covered by this policy

This policy applies to all employees (including employed students) at the University.

Purpose and Scope

In order to improve the health and safety of all individuals who work and study at St Francis Xavier University, all personal pets are banned from inside all buildings on campus.  This includes all academic, residences and publicly used buildings.  Exception to this policy is for fully trained Service Dogs that perform a task to assist a person with a disability with a need related to their disability.

The banning of pets is intended to:

  • reduce the risk of adverse health concerns to individuals
  • reduce indoor air quality concerns
  • maintain the cleanliness of the buildings
  • reduce individuals’ anxieties towards pets
  • eliminate personal pets as a potential source of infection to research animals

Staff, Faculty and Students who undertake to bring their pets on campus grounds may do so under the following conditions:

  • Pets are not to be tied up outside any university buildings.
  • Pets are not to roam free while on the grounds of the University
  • Pets must be restrained at all times either on a leash or in a portable cage.
  • Owners whose pets are dogs are to adhere to all by-laws as outlined by the Town of Antigonish including clean-up of waste.

 Copies of the Dogs Bylaws can be obtained at the Town Hall, Main Street, Antigonish.