Honours Thesis 

The Human Kinetics department has a thriving honours program. Honours students gain practical research experience and improve research (e.g., writing and lab techniques) and communication skills. Students propose their honours project in the fall and defend in the spring. Additionally, honours students present their research via oral presentations at the Atlantic Provinces Exercise Science Plus (APES+) annual conference. And, honours students create a research poster for the StFX Annual Student Research Day.  

StFX Honours graduate students have gone on to pursue Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Athletic Therapy, Chiropractic College, Dentistry, or graduate programs in Kinesiology. Additionally, some have gone on to work for various sports organizations.  

Each spring, there is an information session on pursuing an Honours thesis. Students are encouraged to apply for Honours in their third year. Acceptance is based on meeting academic criteria and securing a supervisor. 


Human Kinetics Department

42 West St
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5