Degree Patterns
ENGL 111, or ENGL 100, or equivalent is required for entrance to all other ENGL courses. A student should have either ENGL 111 and 6 cu at the 200 level or ENGL 100 and at least three credits at the 200 level before taking a course at the 300 level. Some exceptions apply; see course descriptions. A student must have at least 18 credits of ENGL for admission to a 400-level course.
All students seeking admission to honours and advanced major programs must consult the department chair by March 31 of the second year to obtain approval for proposed course patterns, and again in March of the junior year for advice on thesis and senior seminar requirements.
English Major Program
Students majoring in English must take the following courses: either ENGL 111, or 100, or equivalent; ENGL 215; nine credits from pre-1800; three credits Canadian or Postcolonial; and either eighteen credits ENGL electives (if they take ENGL 111) or fifteen credits English electives (if they take ENGL 100). Major students normally require at least 9 credits of English courses before enrolling in a 300 or 400 level with at least 18 credits at the 300 or 400 level.
English Advanced Major Program
English Advanced Major students are required to take either ENGL 111, or ENGL 100, or equivalent; ENGL 215; 9 credits from pre-1800; 3 credits from Canadian or Postcolonial; 12 credits of ENGL electives (if they take ENGL 111) or 9 credits of ENGL electives (if they take ENGL 100), and 6 credits of senior seminars in the 4th year.
Students must also write an advanced major thesis in their final year in a 300 or 400-level course, normally in the Fall term. Advanced major students normally require at least 9 credits of English courses before enrolling in a 300 or 400 level, and will take at least 18 credits at the 300 or 400 level.
English Honours Program
Students enrolling in the English Honours Program will be required to have the following: either ENGL 111 or ENGL 100, or equivalent; ENGL 215; three credits literary theory or cultural studies; 9 credits from pre-1800; three credits from Canadian or Postcolonial; 6 credits of senior seminars in the 4th year; 6 credits honours thesis, and either 27 credits of ENGL electives (if they take ENGL 111) or 24 credits of ENGL electives (if they take ENGL 100), and will take at least 18 credits at the 300/400 level.
English Honours with Subsidiary Subject or English as Subsidiary Subject
English Honours with a subsidiary subject requires 48 credits in the same pattern as the English Honours program.
Senior Seminars
Each year certain advanced courses will be designated senior seminars. All honours and advanced major students must be enrolled in two of these during their senior year, one in the first term and the other in the second term. Normally students will have third-year standing and have taken a minimum of 15 credits in English. Priority will be given to honours and advanced major students in English. Students may enrol in additional English seminars as part of their normal degree pattern, but do so as a 300-level course.
Humanities Colloquium
The humanities colloquium is an optional and interdisciplinary way of studying three first-year courses, usually ENGL 100, HIST 101, 102, and PHIL 100. See the Academic Calendar for further information.
409 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5