Links and Resources
Graduate Programs
Graduate studies lead to a Masters degree (M.A.), or a Doctoral degree (Ph.D.). With either degree, there are opportunities for a variety of careers. By using a suitable listserver, you can sign on for a while to see what is happening in that particular field. The following list provides information on options that are available in specific fields.
General information on careers:
Applications for scholarships for graduate study should be initiated early in your final year, since the application requires some input from your potential supervisor. Thus, you have to contact him/her to discuss potential projects before the application is submitted. The StFX Financial Aid Office maintains a searchable database of scholarships and awards from sources outside the University (for undergraduates as well as for graduate study.
Many graduate schools (especially in the United States) require grades from the Graduate Record Exam before admission will be considered.
Scholarships are available to study overseas. Information is available from the International Council for Canadian Studies.
Looking for a Job?
...In Canada or the United States
First, check out the Youth Resource Network of Canada. There are several resources on campus that can assist you. The English Department receives information from organizations outside of St. Francis Xavier. We store this information in the administrative assistant's office. It is available anytime the Office is open. The Student Career Centre on campus also contains information on current jobs. There are several websites that have been developed to assist users in finding jobs. For example, the National Graduate Registry is a new initiative of Industry Canada. Graduating students can electronically submit resumes to a central database. Potential employers can search the database for potential employees, and contact them directly. The system is brand new, and is being tested on the Maritimes.
- Search on the Internet for guides which offer useful advice to Canadians who want to work and live overseas.
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Antigonish NS B2G 2W5