Student Information

Welcome to the StFX Student Career Centre!  We are an information hub with dedicated professionals, who support students to develop the tools and skills they need for a successful career plan. Book an appointment to access services such as resume support, career advising and counselling, grad school/professional school prep, and interviewing coaching.

How Do We Support Students?

We work in collaborative partnerships with student organizations, alumni, staff, faculty, and employers to consult and create targeted career supports for students. Supports can range from one-on-one appointments to facilitating a workshop or conducting an employer information session.  

Do You Need a Job?

We provide and oversee a wide variety of resources and tools to help students search for part-time, on-campus, summer jobs, and post-graduation opportunities (both locally and nationally). To support students with their job search, we provide professional consultation on job searching, cover letters, resumes, networking, and interview skills.   

Students should start their job search early. As an example, if you are starting your final year in September, you should start your job search at that time, as some companies only advertise their new grad roles in the fall. Other companies recruit all year. If you are looking for a summer job, start looking in early December as some summer opportunities are posted very early. Over the last couple of years, Student Career Services has noticed that some organizations (i.e., public accounting firms) have started to advertise summer jobs at least one year before the start date for the job. If you are looking for a student job on-campus, positions will be advertised in early January with most on-campus jobs advertised in February for the next academic year.  There are a couple of departments that will advertise jobs in late August/first week of September. On-campus jobs are only advertised on the StFX Human Resources website (scroll down to the bottom of the page). NOTE: The StFX Human Resources department does not accept unsolicited resumes from students. The On-Campus Job Brochure (2022-2023) gives a good list of departments that hire students, when they advertise, and what students need to submit for an application.  

Are You Confused About Your Career?

You are not alone. We support students with answering the questions, “Am I in the right program? What are my work options after StFX? How can I find a mentor?” A trained career development professional can help you make connections between who you are and your career goals, your education, and future employment options. Many students have commented after meeting with someone from the Career Centre that they felt less stressed and confused about their decisions after meeting with our team.

When Should I Seek Support From the StFX Student Career Centre?

Students are encouraged to seek support from the Student Career Centre as soon as you have a career or employment related question! We invite students to visit and meet with the Student Career Centre staff. We encourage StFX students from all programs and years of study sign up for the Student Career Centre Moodle to take advantage of the specialized career counselling and employment strategy appointments and other relevant resources.  This Moodle will contain career exploration information, our new job board, and upcoming events. To access our job board, students will need to email the Career Centre requesting to enroll in our Moodle. Students are enrolled in the Moodle by using their StFX email. Don’t wait until your final year to visit us!  


Student Career Centre

194 Gerald Schwartz School of Business
3090 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5