Adding or Dropping Courses

Adding or Dropping Courses  

Dropping or Adding Courses Before the Halfway Point  

On the Calendar of Events page of the current Academic Calendar, the last days on which you are permitted to CHANGE courses are specified for each part of term. 

Up to and including these dates, for each specific part of term, you will be able to add courses via the web using the “RW” (Register via Web) code. 

Up to and including these dates, for each specific part of term, you will also be able to drop courses via the web using a “DW” (Drop via Web) code. The result of this action is that the course is deleted. There is no charge assessed for the course and it does not appear on your transcript. 

Subsequent to these dates, up to the half-way point of the course, you will be able to drop courses via the web using the “DC” (Drop Course) code. The result of this action is that you are awarded a grade of “DC” on your transcript and the registration fee assessment refund rules will be applied. The “DC” grade results in no credits earned for that course and it is not used in the calculation of your average. 

Dropping Courses After the Halfway Point  

On the Calendar of Events page of the current Academic Calendar, the last days on which you are permitted to DROP courses are specified for each part of term. Subsequent to these dates, for each specific part of term, you will no longer be able to drop a course via the web. If you cease attending a particular class, you will be graded based on whatever work you have submitted. This grade will be used in your average calculation 

If there are very exceptional circumstances which require that you drop a course, you are required to request a “DP” (Drop with Permission) from the Deans Office. The “DP” registration code is only used in exceptional circumstances. The “DP” registration code results in a “DP” grade. No credits are earned for that course and it is not used in the calculation of your average. There is no refund for a course that is dropped with a “DP”. 

It is very important that you understand that the “DP” is only permitted in very exceptional circumstances and even then it will normally only be granted for one course. In the vast majority of cases, students who are registered in a course beyond the last day to drop that course will receive a numeric grade for that course and that grade will determine whether or not credits are earned for that course and will be used in the calculation of their average. 

Replacing Dropped Courses  

It is extremely important that you understand the financial consequences of dropping courses and adding others. If you drop a course beyond the free drop period your chargeable hours will be a percentage of the billing hours for that course, that percentage depending on the date on which you drop the course. If you then add another course, you could potentially incur additional charges for tuition and fees. 

You will incur additional charges if, as a result of drop & add actions, your new chargeable hours total is higher than your initial chargeable hours total UNLESS your chargeable hours total, before and after the drop & add, are both within the flat rate range of 24 to 30 hours.  

See Also: 

Accounting Services

Withdrawing From the University 

2024-2025 Course Drop Dates 


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5