Garbage 101 

The following information from the Town of Antigonish is intended to provide some guidance for waste management at your place of residence.  

Resident & Tenant Waste Management Information.

Separate your waste

Blue bag recycling

Include glass, cans, plastics and cartons. These items must be placed in a blue plastic bag. 

Paper recycling

Newspaper and dry, clean paper can also go out for recycling every week. Paper must be placed in a separate grocery bag or clear garbage bag.  

Please do not leave empty corrugated cardboard boxes piled up on the sidewalk. Your empty cardboard boxes must be flattened, cut into armload sizes and tied in bundles for collection. The cardboard must be kept dry until placed at the curb on collection day. 

Green cart composting

All your organic waste, including food waste, cereal boxes and paper towels, go in your green cart or compost bin.   


Any waste you can't recycle or compost is garbage. It goes in a clear garbage bag. 

Please note any items that are not deemed as being recyclable or compostable and have not been banned from the landfill can be placed at curbside in clear bags for collection. A maximum of three (3) garbage bags per household per week can be placed at curbside. Garbage bags should not exceed 40 lbs. 

Household hazardous waste

Hazardous waste, including batteries, paint and motor oil, must be taken to a household hazardous waste disposal depot. 


Please return rechargeable batteries that are no longer of use to your place of purchase. Household batteries (alkaline, carbon-zinc, lithium, mercury, silver, and zinc) can now be placed at curbside. Put the batteries in a small bag (i.e. zippered sandwich bag) and place the bag on top of, or next to, your green organics cart. The Town of Antigonish has made arrangements for the batteries to be collected and transported for proper disposal. 

Go to the Town of Antigonish Recycling page  to learn more. 

Not sure if a specific item is recycled? Check here – Waste Wizard

Collection day and schedules

In the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, garbage and organics are collected every week. Residents are reminded that it is their responsibility to keep garbage/recyclable boxes clean and in usable repair. 

Use this map to show you the area and weekday your waster will be collected.  

Use this calendar to determine the date(s) your waste will be collected.  


Student Services

Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5