Office of the President

StFX President Andy Hakin

Dr. Andrew Hakin is an accomplished academic leader and scholar. He became StFX's 19th President and Vice-Chancellor in June 2020. Read more about President Hakin in his bio.

Message from President Dr. Andy Hakin

St. Francis Xavier University is one of Canada's best.

Our focus is on the academic and personal development of every student, making community and social involvement a large part of the learning experience.

StFX attracts a different kind of student, one who is academically strong and highly engaged in every aspect of life – a student determined to make a positive impact on the world.

StFX students have the opportunity to excel in an intimate learning environment that nurtures the development of the whole person. Our exceptional faculty and staff inspire students to achieve their academic and personal potential.  

As President and Vice Chancellor of StFX, I would like to extend a warm welcome.

Andy Hakin
President and Vice Chancellor

Important Initiatives

People holding sign protesting against racism

President's Action Committee on Anti-Racism (PACAR)

We have a responsibility to build an equitable and anti-racist community.
An infographic about strategic plans

University Strategic Plan

Read more about StFX's vision, mission and core values.


We are working to identify, prevent and remove barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Photo Gallery

President Hakin connects with StFX stakeholders across campus, across the local and regional community, across Canada and abroad. This photo gallery is a sample of candid moments with students, faculty, staff, alumni, visiting scholars, community and business leaders, government officials, and other important dignitaries who contribute in vital ways to StFX's dynamic environment.