Trademarks and StFX University:

According to the Government of Canada - Trademarks, a trademark is a combination of letters, words, sounds or designs that distinguishes one company’s good or services from those of others in the marketplace. A trademark is unique. It is important to a company because over time, a trademark comes to stand not only for the actual goods and services you sell, but also for your company’s reputation and brand.

StFX polices its registered trademarks very seriously. Any unauthorized use of its marks, either identically or by similarity, in a confusing manner such that the source of the good or service is misperceived by the user or that an association with the university is falsely suggested will draw an adverse reaction from StFX.

StFX University’s Communications & Marketing Department maintains, manages, licenses, and protects the university’s trademarks. The University’s Ancillary Services and Communications & Marketing Departments handle all aspects of the program internally.

Questions? Contact: @email.

StFX Trademarks:

StFX owns 19 registrations representing a wide range of marks in multiple categories that have been registered in the Canadian Trademarks Database.

StFX possesses several logos that, while still trademarked, are retired from use. Examples of these retired logos can be found below:

Report outdated Brand Logos

Our campus covers a lot of space – physically and digitally. If you spot old versions of our logos anywhere (on the web, on campus or in retail locations) please email us at: @email

Products using StFX trademarks:  

Only those who have been approved through the university licensing process are permitted to produce products using StFX’s trademarks.

  • Learn how to become a licensee here.

StFX Trademark Regulations: Alterations of any StFX marks are strictly prohibited. Users of the StFX marks must pay close attention to the use of colours in the approved applications. The correct mark to use varies when choosing which background color to use or if you plan to use single-colour marks or multiple colour marks.

Trademark License:

A trademark license is a written legal agreement between the owner of the trademark (licensor) and a manufacturer or vendor (licensee). The licensor grants permission to the licensee to use the licensor’s trademark(s) on a product(s). This license must be requested and approved before the licensee may use the marks.

Unlawful use of StFX University trademarks is subject to legal action.