The StFX Student Experience and Opportunity Plan (SEOP) holds a vision of a whole campus approach to ALL students flourishing. During the consultation and research phase leading to the development of the SEOP, which included input from student athletes and professional staff, it became evident that tailored efforts were necessary to address the unique needs of student athletes. The Student Division recognized student athletes as a distinct group requiring specific strategies to advance the three key themes of the SEOP:
Enhance the First-year Student Experience.
Strengthen Mental Health and Wellness Support and Services.
Promote Career Development, Smooth Employment Transition, and Experiential Learning.
Through the consultations that led to the creation of the Athletic Equity and Safe Sport Committee, we once again heard athletes’ express concerns over accessing appropriate mental health supports and related student experience issues. We recognize the demands of rigorous training and competition schedules, which can create additional stressors on student-athletes' mental health, and academics, necessitating relevant mental health and academic support systems.
Within the work of implementing the Student Experience and Opportunity Plan (SEOP), Student Services is committed to collaborating with the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and the Athletics Leadership team to address the specific transition, mental health and needs of student athletes. We have identified several areas for attention that we will begin to address in the coming months.
Additionally, in October of 2024, the VP Students will establish a Student Athlete Flourishing Steering Committee with an appointed team member to work closely with the Student Services Team, SAAC, and Athletics to identify gaps and establish an implementation and accountability framework for assessing and meeting the remaining gaps in support and coordination to better meet the needs of student athletes. The Steering Committee will meet monthly and will include:
Director of Student Life
Director of Health, Counselling and Accessible Learning
Director of Human Rights and Equity
Director of Athletics
Manager of Varsity Athletics
Assistant VP Academic Affairs
Two coaches
Two student athletes
Additional staff from the Students' Division and Athletics will be engaged for consultation and expertise depending on the agenda plan.
This graphic summarizes the scope of work to be accomplished, the intersectional nature of the work and the related committees and their areas of focus: