Skill courses run for 12 weeks in the Fall and Winter terms. Each skill is 1.5 credits. Grades are Pass/Fail and are not included in the academic average. The maximum number of skills for the Pre-Education major is 15 credits and for the Kinesiology major is 12 credits.
Skill courses provide a new opportunity for students to move and learn new skills and get to know other students in the program.
The Following 100-Level Skills Will Introduce Students to the Basics of the Skill:
100 Level Skills Courses
- 102 Instructional Group Fitness (group fitness, fitness principles, and basic instructor techniques)
- 103 Skateboarding (learn basic skateboarding skills at the skate park)
- 119 Aquatic Activities (e.g., snorkelling, water polo, aquafit, standup paddleboard)
- 121 Badminton
- 123 Basketball
- 125 Contemporary Dance (developing dance technique, mind-body connection)
- 126 Fitness (e.g., games, traditional weight training, exercise classes)
- 127 Gymnastics
- 128 Football
- 129 Hockey
- 131 Rugby
- 132 Soccer
- 133 Volleyball
- 134 Golf
- 135 Ice Games (e.g., power skating, ringette, broomball)
- 137 Low and Organized Games (e.g., fundamental movement skills)
- 139 Movement Education(exploring movement and lesson planning with elementary school students)
- 140 Net Games (e.g., pickle ball, tennis, team handball, Sepak)
- 141 Outdoor Education (outdoor pursuits, environmental safety, woodsey skills)
- 142 ParaSport (e.g., goal ball, wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball)
- 143 Social Dance (e.g., swing, jive, salsa, fox trot)
- 144 Target Games (e.g., curling, bowling, bocce, axe throwing)
- 145 Track & Field
- 146 Weight Training
- 147 World Dance (dances from around the world)
- 148 Yoga
- 149 Invasion/Territory Games (e.g., ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, field hockey)
The Following 200-Level Skills Will Involve Advanced Instruction, Instructional Strategies, and Analysis:
200 Level Skills Courses
- 203 Judging and Officiating
- 204 Group Exercise Certification (prepares students to successfully complete their certification with NSFA)
- 227 Gymnastics
- 228 Football
- 229 Hockey
- 231 Rugby
- 232 Soccer
- 233 Volleyball
- 246 Sport Science Theory (athletic performance testing, programming, and monitoring)
For more details on any of the above skill courses, call us at (902) 867-2185 or email
42 West St
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5