Carefully constructed syllabi and online courses provide students with a road map for learning and communicate both our respect for them and our desire to see them succeed. (quoted from The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching by Artze-Vega and Darby).
StFX Syllabus Templates
To be inserted.
Things to think about when planning your syllabus:
Norton's Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (open access) is an excellent resource for the beginning to think about what you want your syllabus to be. In particular, chapter 1 unit 3 offers helpful advice and examples on creating an equity-minded syllabus.

What Is A Syllabus To You?
- The syllabus can be said to enact one’s theory of teaching. (Collins, 1997).
- Learning objectives
- Assessments
- Learning guide for students
Collins (1997) focuses on some basic assumptions about the syllabus:
Assumption 1: My syllabus enacts my theory of teaching.
Assumption 2: My syllabus functions as a figure of the course and its theory.
Assumption 3: Students are not usually telepathic.
Assumption 4: Faculty are responsible for building courses that promote the success of all students who legitimately enroll in their courses, not just the most experienced, the most familiar, the most attractive, or the most highly achieving.
Assumption 5: As faculty, it is our job to disclose as much insider knowledge as possible to promote the success of all students, and the syllabus is an important tool in such disclosure of tacit knowledge.
Syllabus Checklist
A syllabus should contain the following:
A section about yourself. Who you are, when/where you are available, pronouns. (Image from Equity-Minded Teaching)
- A course overview. Consider Norton's Content- vs. Learning Focused Course Overview.
- A course timeline. When are major assignments occurring? Are there days off in the class? Which topics are being covered when? Be as clear and concise as possible.
- Learning objectives.
- Grading scheme.
- Major assignments.
- Policies and class rules.
Additional Resources
eCampus Ontario - Learner-centred course structure and content
Carleton University EDI Teaching Toolkit for Instructors
Collins (1997) For Openers... An Inclusive Syllabus
Northern Illinois University - Create an Accessible Syllabus in Word
University of Minnesota - Course Syllabi
Toronto Metropolitan University - Foundations of a Course Outline
Learning Technologies - Creating an Accessible Syllabus
Penn State - Syllabus Templates in Word
Stanford University - Designing an Accessible Course
University of Washington - Accessible Technology
Berdahl - Learning Outcomes Worksheet
The University of British Columbia - Learner-centered syllabus toolkit
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