Chemistry Labs
Labs in the Department of Chemistry
Fall Lab ScheduleWinter Lab Schedule
Sale of Lab Coats & Safety Glasses
Students cannot receive credit for a course if the lab component is not reasonably completed. The details for each course are listed in the course syllabus.
Students who are concerned that their health may be adversely affected by a lab, or a part thereof are strongly encouraged to consult the course professor or the chair of the Department.
Students who are subject to a medical condition, e.g., fainting, seizures, that may endanger them or others in a lab setting are required to inform the professor in confidence, so that steps can be taken to minimize the danger to the students and others in the lab.
If you are a student that meets the criteria under accessible learning for a diagnosis of a permanent disability, and use of the Tramble Center for Accessible Learning, let your professor or instructor know in confidence as soon as possible.
Safety in the Lab
If there is an accident: get out, call for help, apply first aid. In all cases, inform the instructors even if it is a minor accident.
- No visitors are permitted in the lab.
- Students are not permitted to work alone in a lab
- Safety goggles or safety glasses must be worn at all times in all labs
- Contact lenses are a major eye-safety hazard and are not permitted in the labs
- Students are required to wear a lab coat in all labs - no bare legs
- Sturdy shoes that fully enclose the foot must be worn in the lab
- Long hair must be tied back so that it does not fall forward
- Distractions should be avoided. The use of portable music players is not permitted
- Personal electronics may be used for taking photos or as a timer at user’s own risk
- Food and drink of any sort are not permitted in the labs
- Know the location of the following safety measures:
- Safety showers
- Eye wash showers
- Fire extinguishers
- First aid boxes are located
- Determine whether an object is hot by bringing the back of your hand up close.
- Never pipet by mouth, always use the pipet filler.
- Never use cracked or broken glassware.
Keep Your Space Clean
- Keep your hands and benches clean. Beware of what may appear to be drops of water on benches. They may be corrosive liquids.
- Clean up as you go. Please avoid putting paper, etc. in the sinks.
Respect the Chemicals
- Take due care with chemicals. If they are spilled, let your prof or lab instructor know about it.
- Never return unused solutions to the stock containers or reagent bottles.
- Always waft odours toward your nose with your hand. Use the fume hood for strongly smelling chemicals, acids, etc.
- Mercury vapours are highly toxic. Never handle mercury with your hands. It will also ruin gold and silver jewelry on contact.

3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5