BSc Level Courses

100 Level courses

101 General Chemistry I
Fundamental principles of chemistry, including the nature of atoms, ions and molecules, stoichiometry, and basic thermo-chemistry. Chemistry of aqueous solutions including oxidation-reduction reactions, equilibrium and acid/base chemistry with a focus on buffer solutions. The application of chemical principles in areas of interest to students in the life sciences, human nutrition and human kinetics are emphasized. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 101, CHEM 100, -CHEM 120, CHEM 121, CHEM 150 or CHEM 151. Three credits and lab/tutorial.

102 General Chemistry II
Chemical kinetics, thermochemistry, and the electronic structure and properties of atoms and ions and bonding models used to determine molecular geometry. Basic concepts of organic chemistry, materials and environmental chemistry. Intended for students in the life sciences, human nutrition and human kinetics. Credit will be given for only one of CHEM 102, CHEM 100, CHEM 120, CHEM 122, CHEM 150 or CHEM 151. Prerequisite: CHEM 101. Three credits and lab/tutorial.

121 Principles of Chemistry I
Fundamental properties of matter and their correlation with modern principles of chemistry. Topics include: atoms, molecules, and ions; chemical formulae and equations; reaction types and stoichiometry; the gaseous state; energy changes in chemical systems; electronic structure of atoms; models of chemical bonding; and change of state. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 121, CHEM 101, CHEM 120, CHEM 150 or CHEM 151. Three credits and lab/tutorial.

122 Principles of Chemistry II
Topics covered in include a description of the solution state and intermolecular forces in solutions; rates of reaction, reaction mechanisms, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, electrolytes and voltaic cells, nuclear chemistry, and an overview of organic chemistry. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 122, CHEM 100, CHEM 102, CHEM 120, CHEM 150 or CHEM 151. Prerequisite: CHEM 121. Three credits and lab/tutorial.

151 Fundamentals of General and Biological Chemistry 
Topics include: basic concepts of general chemistry; introduction to organic nomenclature and the reactivities of functional groups; coverage of the fundamentals of biological chemistry. May not be used as a prerequisite for any other chemistry course. Open to students in nursing, human kinetics, and arts; may not be taken for credit by other science students. Restricted enrollment. Three credits and lab.

A row of laboratory equipment sitting on top of a counter
200 Level courses

221 Introductory Organic Chemistry I 
The properties, reactions and synthesis of hydrocarbons, alkyl halides and alcohols; relationships between the structures of organic compounds and their physical and chemical properties; reaction mechanisms, and stereochemistry. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 221, CHEM 220 or CHEM 225. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, 102 (CHEM 100) or CHEM 121,122 (Chem 120). Three credits and lab. 

222 Introductory Organic Chemistry II
Continuation of CHEM 221, including the properties, reactions and synthesis of ethers, aromatics and carbonyl compounds; spectroscopy with an emphasis on nuclear magnetic resonance. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 222, CHEM 220 or CHEM 225. Prerequisite: CHEM 221. Three credits and lab

231 Physical Chemistry I
An introduction to physical chemistry, this course begins with the properties of ideal and real gases; covers the fundamental principles of thermodynamics (the three laws of thermodynamics) and their application to physical and chemical transformations, and chemical reaction equilibrium and concludes with the chemical potential and its application to phase equilibria. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, 102 (Chem 100) or Chem 121,122 (Chem 120); MATH 106/126 and 107/127 or 121 and 122. Three credits and lab.

232 Physical Chemistry II
Building upon the principles developed in CHEM 231, this course describes the thermodynamics of real systems. Students will learn the applications of chemical thermodynamics, including phase equilibria in multi-component systems, chemical equilibrium, and electrochemistry; the principles governing the dynamics of systems, including the kinetic molecular theory of gases, transport properties, and the rates of chemical reactions.
Prerequisite: CHEM 231. Three credits and lab.

245 Basic Inorganic Chemistry
An introductory course on the properties and uses of the main group elements; the practical and commercial uses of various inorganic compounds and elements; and the factors contributing to the energies and types of chemical bonds. Prerequisite: CHEM 101, 102 (100) or Chem 121, 122 (120). Three credits and lab.

255 Introductory Biochemistry
Areas of study include the chemistry of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids and some enzymes. Biochemical energetics, metabolism pathways and some commonly used experimental biochemical techniques are also examined. Prerequisite: CHEM 220 completed (recommended) or concurrent or CHEM 225 or 221. Three credits and lab.

265 Basic Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
An introductory course which includes a survey of aqueous titration methods, the evaluation of analytical data, and an introduction to electrochemistry, UV visible absorption spectroscopy and chromatography. Prerequisites: CHEM 101, 102 (100) or CHEM 121,122 (120). Three credits and lab.

300 Level courses

321 Intermediate Organic Chemistry 
A continuation of CHEM 220 which includes: addition and condensation polymerization, including some kinetics; divalent carbon compounds (carbenes); pericyclic reactions; Woodward Hoffmann rules; mass spectrometery of organic compounds; organic chemistry of sulfur, phosphorous, and silicon compounds; carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, lipids; dyes and dyeing; mechanisms of nucleophilic substitutions.
Prerequisite: CHEM 220. Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

322 Heterocyclic Chemistry 
The course consists of a survey of aromatic compounds, focusing mainly on aromatic heterocycles containing one or two heteroatoms. Synthesis, structural aspects, and chemical properties of these compounds will be examined. Some more complex special cases, including purine and pyrimidine systems, will also be included.
Prerequisites: CHEM 220. Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

325 Organic Structural Methods 
Methods for deducing the structural features of organic compounds will be examined, with a major emphasis on the use of spectroscopic techniques. While the theory and instrumentation of each technique will be presented, the course will focus on the interpretation of spectral data to provide information on functional groups, bonding, and stereochemistry. Use will be made of spectral data correlation charts, compilations and databases. Required for, and restricted to, students in degree programs where chemistry is Science A. Required for the first term of the junior year.
Prerequisites: CHEM 220, PHYS 120. Three credits and tutorial.

331 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 
The course deals with quantum mechanics and its applications to the structure of atoms and molecules. The topics covered are: the postulates of quantum mechanics and their applications to simple physical systems, including particle in a box; the quantum mechanical model for vibration and rotation of molecules; the hydrogen atom and many electron systems; introduction to the Variation Principle and Hückel’s molecular orbital method.
Prerequisites: CHEM 232. Three credits and laboratory/tutorial.

332 Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy and Statistical Thermodynamics 
The course deals with the characterization of patterns of molecular quantized energy levels in rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of both linear and non-linear molecules. Other topics include: photoelectron, spectroscopy and magnetic resonances; introduction to statistical thermodynamics including partition functions and calculations of various thermodynamics properties, equilibrium constants and rate constants.
Prerequisite: CHEM 331. Three credits and laboratory/tutorial

​​​341 Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry I 
An introduction to molecular symmetry and group theory and its applications to vibrational spectroscopy. Also included are basic coordination chemistry of the transition metals, including discussion of some common inorganic techniques, and inorganic electrochemistry.
Prerequisite: CHEM 245. Three credits and laboratory.

342 Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry II 
Electronic and magnetic properties of transition metal compounds. Introduction to organometallic chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, inorganic reaction kinetics and mechanisms.
Prerequisite: CHEM 341. Three credits and laboratory.

355 Advanced Biochemistry
Among the topics to be covered are the natural and lab synthesis of amino acids and peptides, nucleosides and nucleotides; general synthesis of lipids; and metabolic control.
Prerequisites: CHEM 221 and CHEM 222 (or CHEM 220) and CHEM 255. Three credits and laboratory/tutorial.

361 Instrumental Analytical Spectroscopy 
The course deals with instrumental design and the analytical application of UV/visible, atomic, and infrared absorption spectrometers, Raman spectrometers, and fluorimeters. Included are sample preparation, data analysis, and method optimization.
Prerequisite: CHEM 265. Three credits and laboratory.

362 Instrumental Separations and Analysis 
This course looks at liquid and gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, electrochemistry, and radiochemistry. Included are sample preparation, data analysis, and method optimization.
Prerequisite: CHEM 361. Three credits and laboratory.

391 Chemistry Seminar I
Introduction to seminar techniques using topics in modern chemistry, chemical information sources, basic molecular modeling and drawing. Required for, and restricted to, students in degree programs where chemistry is Science A. Required for the first term of the junior year. No credit.

400 Level courses

411 Computational Chemistry
A survey of modern computational chemistry methods, focusing mainly on Density functional theory. This course is addressed to honors students mainly. Areas of interest include accurate predictions of geometries, energetics, and reaction mechanisms as well as IR, Raman, UV and NMRspectra.
Prerequisite: CHEM 330, 341 (completed or concurrent). Three credits and research project. Not offered in 2024/25.

421 Physical Organic Chemistry and Organic Spectroscopy
A survey of theoretical models and experimental tools to correlated data related to the structure, property, and reactivity of organic compounds. Topics include qualitative models (resonance, hybridization, VSEPR, qualitative molecular orbital theory), quantitative computational chemistry methods (Hartree-Fock, semi-empirical and density functional theory methods), and spectroscopic methods (IR and NMR). Extensive use is made of theoretical and spectroscopic studies in assignments, computational and experimental labs.
Prerequisites: CHEM 221/222 or 220, 232; PHYS 121, 122 (120). Three credits and laboratory/computational chemistry project.

422 Advanced Organic Chemistry: Structure and Mechanism 
Building on the structures and energetics of organic reactive intermediates, this course will examine their role in reaction mechanisms. Several important classes of reactions will be analyzed in detail with respect to stereoelectronic effects. This course will also examine some of the methodology used to determine organic reaction mechanisms. The synergy between experimental and computational results will be discussed.
Prerequisite: CHEM 221/222 or 220; CHEM 421 recommended. Three credits and laboratory.

423 Industrial Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
An introduction to the manufacture and use of common organic and inorganic materials. Sources, manufacturing processes and applications will be discussed. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 423 or CHEM 471(offered in 2018-2019)
Prerequisites: CHEM 221/222 or 220 (completed or concurrent), CHEM 231. Three credits.

​​​​​432 Electrochemical Methods
This course investigates modern electrochemical techniques, including potential step and potential sweep methods, pulse voltammetry, controlled-current experiments, hydrodynamic voltammetry, and AC impedance. Particular attention will be given to processes that occur at the electrode-solution interface in the use of these techniques (mass transport, charge transport kinetics, current-time and current-potential profiles). Topics of current interest, such as fuel cells, chemically modified electrodes, corrosion, ion-selective electrodes, ultramicroelectrodes, and catalysis will also be studied.
Prerequisite: CHEM 232, 361, 362 (concurrent)Prerequisite: Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

434 Colloids and Polymers
The properties of colloids, surfaces, interfaces, and polymers will be discussed from a theoretical and an applied perspective. The course will begin with a qualitative description of the colloidal state, including the various types of colloids and their preparation and properties. Topics will include: experimental techniques used to determine colloidal properties; interfacial phenomena, including the measurement of surface and interfacial tension, the wetting of surfaces, and contact angles; and the properties of surface active agents, charged interfaces, and the stabilization of colloidal systems.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231, 232. Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

435 Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
This course introduces the basic principles and techniques employed in polymer chemistry. The following topics are emphasized: polymerization reactions and mechanisms; kinetics of polymerization; molecular mass methods; molecular sizes and shapes; polymer morphology; thermal, mechanical and rheological properties; and the thermodynamics of polymer solutions.
Prerequisites: CHEM 220, 231, 232. Three credits. Not offered in 2024/25.

442 Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
A survey of metal ions in biological systems. Topics include: ion pumps, oxygen carriers such as hemoglobin, metalloenzymes, nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis, biologically important trace metals, biomimetic systems and inorganic drugs. Discussion of various physical techniques used in bio-inorganic chemistry will also be included.
Prerequisites: CHEM 341; CHEM 342 completed or concurrent. Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

443 Inorganic Materials 
Discussion of current areas of interest in inorganic materials research. Topics include: superconductors, magnetic and electronic materials, nonlinear optics, polymeric coordination complexes, biogenic materials, intercalation compounds and liquid crystals.
Prerequisites: CHEM 341; CHEM 342 completed or concurrent. Three credits and laboratory. Not offered in 2024/25.

445 Introduction to Photochemistry and Applications in Sustainable Catalysis 
An introduction to photochemistry with a focus on current catalytica applications.  The course will focus on the fundamental concepts of photochemistry and light induced chemistry of common organic fucntional groups.  Modern applications of photochemistry incatalysis involving transiton methals, semiconductors, supramolecular materials, and nanomaterials will also be discussed.
Prerequisites: CHEM 220 (221,222) CHEM 225.  Three credits and tutorial.

451 Bio-Organic Chemistry I
A discussion of isomerism and proisomerism is followed by an analysis of the reactions observed in the biosynthesis of amino acids. The dominant theme is a development of reaction mechanism possibilities in biological reactions. Not offered in 2024/25.
Prerequisite: CHEM 220. Three credits.

452 Bio-Organic Chemistry IIThe dominant theme, continuing from CHEM 451, is the development of reaction mechanism possibilities in biological reactions. An analysis of the reactions observed in the biosynthesis of terpenoids is followed by an examination of the mechanisms of action of a number of enzymes based on the protein structure, active site geometry and amino acid residues therein.
Prerequisite: CHEM 222, CHEM 255. Three credits and laboratory/tutorial.

455 Medicinal Chemistry
Topics include the drug development process, receptors, drug interaction, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and quantitative structure activity relationships. Chemical properties and mode of action of some of the following classes of drugs will be discussed: antibacterial drugs, drugs that work on the central nervous system, anticancer drugs, antiviral drugs, and analgesics. Case studies of current drugs going through the approval processes will be included.
Prerequisites: CHEM 220, 255. Three credits and laboratory/tutorial.

461 Topics in Instrumentation and Analysis
This course typically starts with a brief introduction to electronics, signals, noise and data manipulation. This is followed by a survey of molecules with bioanalytic applications (enzymes, immunoglobulins, avidin/biotin, cyclodextrins), and a discussion of selected bioanalytic methods and their applications in sensors. A variety of instrumentation is used in the lab, with some attention paid to assembly of equipment, maintenance and repair. Not offered in 2024/25.
Pre- or co-requisite: CHEM 360. Three credits and laboratory.

462 Topics in Analysis and Spectroscopy
Topics are typically selected from the following: NMR, Fluorescence, FTIR, Raman, Methods used for Surface Analysis, Capillary electrophoresis, Mass Spectrometry, Flow Injection Analysis and Process Analytical Chemistry. Lab experiments will be carried out to complement the course work. Not offered in 2024/25.
Pre- or co-requisite: CHEM 360. Three credits and laboratory.

491 Chemistry Seminar II 
Presentations by visitors, faculty, staff, senior honours and advanced major students on aspects of chemical science. Attendance is mandatory for students in all B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree programs where chemistry is Science A. No formal credit is given for this course, but satisfactory completion of senior essays from majors students, senior essays and presentations from advanced majors students, and presentations based on their theses from honours students, are requirements for the B.Sc. degree.
NOTE: the above course requirement for majors students begins in 2008/09.

Graduate Level Courses

500 Level courses

511 Computational Chemistry (3 credits) 

521 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 credits) 

530 Physical Chemistry III (3 credits) 

532 Electrochemical Methods (3 credits) 

534 Colloids and Interfaces (3 credits)  

535 Polymers (3 credits) 

536 Advanced Topics in Colloid Chemistry (3 credits) 

540 Advanced Topics (6 credits) 

542 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits) 

543 Inorganic Materials (3 credits) 

561 (Advanced Analytical Chemistry I (3 credits) 

562 (Advanced Analytical Chemistry II (3 credits) 

591 Advanced Instrumentation I - Bioanalysis (3 credits)  

593 Advanced Instrumentation II - Capillary Electrophoresis & Ion Chromatography (3 credits)  

595 Instrumentation III Electronic (3 credits) 

595 Nucleic Acids (6 credits)  

598 Advanced Instrumentation III - Electronics (3 credits)  

599 Masters Thesis (18 credits)  


Chemistry Department

3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5